AZATEJ 109 Scammers Profile Link: @Prodigy Profile Link: Short Description Of Product/Service: Bought proxyrack proxy pool - 20$ month, had worked for 72hours, ain't working for 12 days. [if Applicable] Sales Thread: I cant spot such. Screenshots of conversation: Daily promise of getting it to work, got convo with his partner which blocked me, told him about potential security issues he can face and basically talked shit about @Prodigy, that's all, won't include since it was on private. I paid @Prodigy so I cant request money from him, no matter what. Amount or Item(s) Scammed: 20$ Additional Information: BTC payment. It's my first scam report on on cracking boards, and I hope last - it might be a bit too soon, but a partner of seller worried me about potential issues. @Gloon claimed we got scammed, so I promised that we are not. Since I would potentially get scammed, and memed because of it I would be really glad to get and resolve it fast to prevent unneeded fucktery. I know @Prodigy going to claim that Justin Bieber took money - I don't care, Shakira and Michael Jackson also could get that payment later, it does not excuse you mate, I refunded myself payments from proxy selling. Being seller has its price. Im fine with receiving a working service, I have already sub same as you sold me, datacenter one, but I will giveaway refunded one. his above meme, means zero, responsibility for being a trader has it price, like I said. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Prodigy 0 Already being dealt with on another forum. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AZATEJ 109 Already being dealt with on another forum. Mate it has nothing to do with the case, here is another board and external TOS. @Royals but true, hes trying to resolve it somehow on buyers side, I wont call it form of scam, hes not a scammer, but still is responsible for refunds. Will update soon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Royals 111 If the deal wasn't on this site then it's not our responsibility. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites