NAViX 42 [hide]Website targetting Buy/crack an account for or Look what kind of people visit your desired website/app (country, interests etc.) Buy combos that fit this description or dump your own according to these metrics Configs Cracking speeds greatly depend on the config you're using Normal webpage frontends are not laid out to be speedy (a normal consumer won't notice a difference between 100ms-1000ms loading time because javascript/image loading times overlap) It's always better to use APIs: You can use Google's search operators to find APIs (in case they didn't specify a no-crawling policy) If Google doesn't work, look for Desktop/Mobile apps and capture HTTP traffic Networking / Computational power It's important to have a gread bandwidth, so parallel requests don't clog your network packet queue. (+100 mbit/s) More complex configs sometimes use complex regex or other computationally expensive operations which slow down cracking => a multicore system is required Summarizing, there are three important aspects for cracking efficiently: Targetting, Configs and Computer specs. Targetting is greatly underestimated and can yield results 100x faster than throwing in any shit combo and hoping you get a hit. Configs may be written poorly or are interfacing with secured or slow endpoints. Most of these websites are not really laggy, but purposefully do this circumvent cracking. Find an API that is technically required to be fast. Hardware that is optimized for parallelizing work fits perfectly for cracking. To use its full potential a good network bandwidth is needed as well. I recommend you to buy/code your own tools on a linux machine, as they theoretically speaking allow an unlimited amount of threads which combined with powerful RDPs is the jackpot. [/hide] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
18gagm 1 here is my like c: espro que me funcione! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FishinTrip 1 Very Appreciated It <333 Upvoted bro! :smart: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites