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How do you life without Friends?

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Ayyo Waddup


When im up long and cant fall asleep i think about many things, so yesterday i was thinking about

many things and if im weird in some point.


Like for real, i dont have Friends and real Social Interactions since more than 3 Years yet,

before i also never had Friends, but at least i was doing shit in real life.


So i was wondering, what do you guys do when u dont have Friends   pepe.gif ?

Or do you all have Friends    ?

And how would you recommend to find Friends    ?


The things is, you probably think i hate my life, but thats not the point, i dont enjoy but also dont hate my life.


It looks like i can life without people to talk to, but sometimes i really miss it tho.


Also im currently reading the book "loneliness" and realising that having no friends is super bad for your health.

So i might tryhard to find any people in the Future, cause i dont want to end up in a psychiatry.



Would be nice to just talk a bit about it, if im not the only one lmao.

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Do things that get you friends, or live a lonely life.

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I chose to remove all my friends from my life. My goals and future endeavors are far bigger than what anyone can imagine. Basically just get your money up and you'll live a great life. What rich person doesnt have friends or bad bitches? LMAO

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where to find friends ? school college etc.

do i have friends yes .. but i have friends that have the same interests like me , cracking - coding - music - living like to its fullest !

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Also their is nothing wrong with having online friends. The interaction with the same people who would replicate real life friends does me enough. If i ever am truly feeling lonely I just call up family members to talk and what not. Family will always be their.

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I've to many friends if I say it myself. Everyday I got messaged if I can chill with someone. Busy life.

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