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Want to lose weight? Or build muscle. [Help Desk]

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I would like to ask you to excuse my grammar as English is my second language..


A little backstory of me and who I am(Maybe this can motivate you): 


I'm 18 years old and i've been going to the gym for about 2 years now. I've had alot of ups & downs in my life. I was a very troubled kid and I didn't finish school, I quit at the age of 12 because a teacher lost his temper and abused me to which my reaction was that I became really aggressive and no other school wanted to accept me because the school where the accident happened in told them that I was dangerous. So i sat at home all the time and started playing videogames pretty much 24/7 and ofcourse when you're playing videogames you tend to snack on fastfood & snacks. This kept going for about 3 years and in those 3 years i gained around 100 Kg / 220 Pounds. At this point I was 15 and my weight was sitting at 175 Kg / 385 Pounds. I was placed under a judge because my mother couldn't handle me anymore and it was getting out of hand. She tried everything she could but she just couldn't motivate me I was in a little bubble and all I wanted to do was game and become the best League of Legends player ever. Untill 22 November 2016 something took place that would change my life forever. I woke up and there were 4 police cars outside my house. And they were taking me to court, when i arrived in court my judge told me that I would have to stay in juvy for 3 months because of some things that I did online that I don't want to disclose here. The only real reason they put me in juvy was to get me away from my family because they couldn't handle me anymore. So my nightmare became reality I couldn't see my mother for atleast a week and i was placed in a little 4x4 cell with nothing but some books. So I started thinking about what the doctors in the hospital had told me, about how I would die if I didn't change my life. So guess what I did, I started walking in my 4x4 little room untill the sweat was dripping over my entire body. And by doing that every day and eating less of what they gave me I started losing weight and once i lost 10kg i started doing sit-ups I wasn't very good at them but I did it anyways. Because it wasn't about being able to do them it was about the fact that I was trying. Fast forward 6 months they finally decided to give me a second chance at life and they set a release date. I was also going back to school and everything was going great. 22 August 2017 was the day. My physique my mental state had changed completely and even the judge was impressed because only a very little amount of the people that get placed in Juvy actually change and become mature during their stay there. 


I lost 70 Kgs / 154 Pounds and I could finally start going to the gym and actually focus on my macros and calories.

2 Months later i lost another 20 Kgs / 44 Pounds and I was at 85 Kgs / 187 Pounds I was very happy with what I achieved but I did not have the body that I desired to have. I had alot of loose skin and it really bothered me even till this day. It kinda started going downhill from there especially mentally. I started watching too many bodybuilding videos and kept trying to improve myself but in reality I was starving and killing myself so I went from Obesity to Anorexia I was only eating like 800 calories a day because I thought that the loose skin was fat and I wanted to get rid of it asap and till 8 months ago when I got mono (kissing disease) and went to the doctor I really saw that what I was doing with my chicken & rice wasn't healthy so now 8 months later I learned from that mistake and I've changed my diet and I hope that I can help some people improve their health and lifestyle because your health is the most important thing you own.


Hopefully that motivated atleast some of you to improve! So lets get this started.


Some things you must do in order to lose weight / Get healthier


1. Cut out Sodas/Candies/Alcohol (Every once in awhile it's fine to break this)

2. Make goals and reward yourself.

3. Do not give up even if it gets really tough. Nothing in life is handed to you especially not a healthy lifestyle.



Losing weight


Losing weight is actually really easy but some people like to overcomplicate things, these are the things you need to be looking after.


1. Knowing your calorie intake: It's one of the most important factors of losing weight you have to put yourself in a Caloric Deficit which means that you're basically burning more calories than you're consuming. Now I know that most of you might be thinking: "how the hell am I supposed to burn 2000 calories when you only burn 557 an hour by running." Basically, You don't. If you're going to burn 2000 calories you don't have to run 4 hour because that would be crazy. Your body automaticly burns atleast 1700 calories a day. depending on your weight if you're overweight it burns more.


This is what google says "For sedentary women, also between the ages of 31 to 50, the average calorie burn is 1,800 per day; for moderately active women, it's 2,000 calories; and for active women, it's 2,200 calories per day." 


Ofcourse this is for women so it's different than men but you can always calculate your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) with the link down below.


Now let's say that I want to lose weight and according to my height, bodyweight, age, gender and activity level that I have put in it tells me that my BMR is 2053.


Image of my results: 



So to gain a bit of weight I need to eat atleast: 3490 calories and to lose weight I need to eat a little less than 2000 so lets say around 1900 (The calories are so few because I don't need to lose weight)

Ofcourse all of this isnt really 100% accurate but it's very close and helpful. Now that we've got that, we know that we need to eat less than What our BMR says.


2. Counting Macros: It's kind of simular to the calories, macros are basically your fats, carbs and protein. Fat is calorie-dense, at 9 calories per gram, while carbs and protein have only 4 calories per gram, and alcohol has 7 calories per gram.


Fat: Your fats intake is very important but how you consume them plays a huge factor there is good fats and bad fats. The unsaturated fats include "polyunsaturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fats". Both mono- and polyunsaturated fats, when eaten in moderation and used to replace saturated or trans fats, can help lower cholesterol levels and reduce your risk of heart disease. So that means that saturated fats are not so good and unsaturated fats are good. They are usually Omega-3's which are found in all sorts of fish (Salmon, trout, catfish, mackerel) as well as walnuts (unsalted ofcourse) 


Example: Salmon:

Calories 210 

Total Fat: 13g <--- 11g Good fats.

Saturated: 2g <--- 2g Not so good fats.


Example: Beef Sausages:

Calories: 250

Total Fat: 21 g <--- 11g Good fats.

Saturated: 10 g <--- 10g Not so good fats.


Good fats

Oily fish

Nuts and seeds

Vegetable oils




Bad fats:

Dairy goods (like cheese yoghurt and butter)

Baked goods (like pastries cakes and biscuits)

Ice creams


Carbohydrate: Again these are needed to produce energy but consuming too much might turn them into bad fats. They provide fuel and energy for the working muscles and they prevent protein from being used as an energy source and enable fat metabolism. So they're basically your energy source. There are also 2 kinds just as with the fats there are good ones and bad ones. Simple carbs and Complex carbs. Simple carbs are in candies, sodas and syrups they're usually made of sugar. They don't have any vitamins or minerals meaning they aren't really going to help you lose weight they'll only slow it down. While on the other hand Complex carbs which are found in beans peanuts potatos whole-grain breads are filled with vitamins and or fiber. Carbohydrates are important because of your blood sugar levels you have to think of your blood sugar levels as the ocean you don't want it to be stormy and have loads of waves and possibly get a tsunami because that's not good, you want the ocean to be still and relaxing and by consuming Simple carbs your blood sugar levels will spike meaning you'll turn them into fat and your body won't be able to use the carbs as a source of energy. Also called "Rollercoaster BloodSugar levels" as shown on the chart I made below.




Good carbs

Fish and most meats

Nuts and seeds

Potatoes and pasta (not too much)

Whole-grain bread (not too much)



Bad carbs:

Candies & soda's

Dairy goods (like cheese yoghurt(some sorts) and butter)

Baked goods (like pastries, cakes and biscuits)

Ice creams


Protein: In my eyes the most important factor of any diet (especially if you're lifting weights and looking to build some muscle.) Proteins will help you not only recover faster after a workout but will also repair/replace your damaged muscle fibers. Protein can be found in many sorts of meats, nuts and even plants. You should also not take too much protein because I have heard that if you take more than your body can use that it turns them into fats. I'm not sure if that's 100% correct so if anyone here knows more about that they could maybe correct me on that. Proteins are made up of thousands of smaller units called amino acids. And there are 20 different types of amino acids but I am not going to get into all that.  :hehe: You shouldn't worry too much about protein they can't really do anything bad to your body so I don't really think there is anything you should look out for except for taking over your daily dosis so they turn to fat. But you would have to take a whole bunch of protein then. So don't worry Just focus on the fats and the carbs you'll get your protein intake out of most of those. Protein is better than fat and carbs!


Anyway now that we know about all the macros and what they're used for we can calculate them by clicking on the link down below.


So if i wanted to lose weight my daily macro intake should be:


Fats: 45G Per Day.

Carbs: 203G Per Day.

Protein: 203G Per Day.


So 203 * 2 * 4 = 1624 

Then 45 * 9 is = 405

Total: 2029


For me to lose weight my daily macro and caloric intake should be:


Calories: 2029

Fats: 45 G

Carbs: 203 G

Protein: 203 G


Now when we go back to the BMR it says that my BMR is 2053.

So if i wanted to lose 1 pound a week I would just have to walk 10,000 steps a day, because most people claim you burn 500 calories for every 10,000 steps.

My body burns around 2000 calories a day and my diet is also 2000 calories so if I burned an extra 500 calories myself by walking 10,000 steps that would mean that I would mostlikely lose 1 pound a week. Ofcourse this isn't 100% correct and every person is different. :)

[align=center]Some tips to help you on your journey to lose weight:

1. Eat things with a smaller spoon or fork to give you that illusion that you're eating more than you actually are.

2. Make goals and don't tell yourself you can never eat any fatty foods again. If you're at a party it's okay to have a bit of cake unless theres a party every day.

3. Drink alot of water. 2 Liters a day preferably, not only will it make you feel fuller but its also good for your skin![/align]





[align=center]And for the muscle building part, it's pretty much the opposite thing all you need to do is up your intake and select "Muscle gain" on the link below and track your macros


Make sure you calculate your calories too:


1G of Protein = 4 Calories

1G of Carbs = 4 Calories

1G of Fat = 9 Calories[/align]

[align=center]:fiesta: I spent around 5 hours making this thread so hopefully it can help some of you. :fiesta:


If you've got any questions don't be afraid to ask them i'll try to help you as much as I can. If they're personal don't be afraid to PM me![/align]

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Some People really underestimate drinking water that is important for our body. Most People trink around 1,5L but you really should go up to 3L.

Do you have any meal Plans to recommend for a student that has much money to pay for premium food?

Nice Thread tho:) didnt read everything because some parts are known for me

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Some People really underestimate drinking water that is important for our body. Most People trink around 1,5L but you really should go up to 3L.

Do you have any meal Plans to recommend for a student that has much money to pay for premium food?

Nice Thread tho:) didnt read everything because some parts are known for me


True water is very important, and to get you a meal plan everyone works differently I suggest you to look into that yourself only you know how your body reacts to certain type of stuff. It's all kind of experimenting. When you look up "healthy bodybuilding" meals online you'll find quite a few though!

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