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IPTV related questions

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Hi All,

im a noob at cracking, and after few weeks of testing and trying i have several opened questions:


1. when using "BruteInject IPTV" by erd, it starts ok but after a few seconds or sometimes minutes it starts to run like hell with all "prelogin failed", it also happened with storm and sentry, i changed and checked proxy files, i changed vpn location and providers but still....


2. when i look at daily iptv lists, i see that some of the accounts are with "hard to guess" username/password like 'H5F6kjdf' or something, which clearly didn't came from a pre-made combo list, so how do they got cracked? im guessing the cracker cracked an IPTV reseller panel and managed to get a hold of the already created users i right? if so can someone show me a config for a panel like that?


3. can someone please point me to an easy video or tool for creating configs?



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