cracked0 0 [hide]What You are Going to Need: 1. eBay Account. 2. PayPal with around $2-$3 3. Random Name Generator Details Note: the reason you do not need an Amazon account prior to the method is because one will be created whilst carrying out the method. Step 1. Head on over to, and make your way to the ‘trade-in’s’ Link: Link: Step 2. On the Search Box below, select the Category as Electronics, and on the box next to it, type any electronics name, for e.g: Apple iPad. Step 3. Once you’re on the electronics page, try and find an item between $300 and $400, $350 being the golden amount. Once you have found your item click on the 'Trade In' button. Now, for account creation! Step 4. Youwillnowbeaskedtoregister/loginintoAmazon. Thisiswhere we will be creating our account, so click register and head on down to Step 5. Step 5. Use fake details from to register an account. Make sure the fake address is from the USA. Also, be sure to save your generated details in a notepad document, I can guarantee you will need them later. Step 6. Select 'Like New' on the page and then click on continue. Step 7. On the 'Select a Shipping Method' , select the 'Carrier of Choice' Step 8. On the 'Enter and Address' fields, enter the details that you previously generated using Step 10. On the next page, that says 'Select a Return Option', select the 'Do not return the item' option Step 11. Click on 'Submit your Trade In' and you are almost done. Step 12. Now go to and find a product that is about $2 or $3. Use the address given by Amazon as the shipping address, and buy the product from eBay. Once you have purchased the product from eBay, now you will get tracking number that will show that your product has been delivered to Amazon’s address![/hide] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
I_AM_Legion 0 My my my.... what do we have here!!???? :kek: :kek: :kek: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WhyDoIkeepGettingBanned 0 Wut, if this works its amazing. U get a like Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stephanie0 0 :??: :??: wtf :v how that can be real ? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Krle20 0 Thanks for sharing Edit:I want to shipp on my address.How to do that? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kingofbotnetss5668 19 I want to shipp on my address.How to do that? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rishabhkdubey 1 Thanks brother for sharing it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
codedway23401 4 thanks so much for the share 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites