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How to make prank virus

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HI i'm @GameJM and i show you how to make your prank virus! Whats is prank virus? its harmless "virus" okay let's start 



steep 1: open a notepad++ (link to download it will be below)

steep 2: open syntax option, b and click batch

steep 3: write "@echo off" - @echo off hides all commands in cmd

steep 4: write echo and what you want, for example, " your computer has a virus the computer will turn off in a moment and will never turn on !!!" - Important! make this " " before the text

steep 5: write  shutdown -s -t and the number of seconds to turn off for example: shutdown -s -t 10

steep 6: save as .bat

oh yeah you make your prank "virus" which turns off the computer :fiesta: :fiesta:




notepad ++ : [hide][/hide]


give like for my work!

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hahaha Amazing to prank my friends

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 thank you im trying to learn

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