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Selling SpellBreak Key for only 6€

Paypal only


PM or Discord -> GodEye ☀#7531

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[align=center]Hey guys! I'm Garfield#7189


Was tried to buy, asked for he go first cause he have nothing to prove he can be trusted, no rep, no vouch, no premium

and he called me trying to scam him, for 6 buck with cant even buy premium rank of any in my config? No, I'm not a Idot.

Your profile need to show somethings that people can trust in before they have a transation with u, that is

basic thing that everyone know on this very nice market, my awesome customer know, guys who

helped my with Issues know, but him don't know



:fuck: :fuck: :fuck: :fiesta:


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[align=center]Hey guys! I'm Garfield#7189


Was tried to buy, asked for he go first cause he have nothing to prove he can be trusted, no rep, no vouch, no premium

and he called me trying to scam him, for 6 buck with cant even buy premium rank of any in my config? No, I'm not a Idot.

Your profile need to show somethings that people can trust in before they have a transation with u, that is

basic thing that everyone know on this very nice market, my awesome customer know, guys who

helped my with Issues know, but him don't know



:fuck: :fuck: :fuck: :fiesta:




i never said you were a scammer, if u show the whole chat you know i was just playing the same game as your, everyone that bought from me already know im legit, this is a 2 sided coin with no right or wrong, if you cant trust me why should i trust on you? the same way goes to you, why should you trust me when i dont trust you? its all about the one taking the shot first and i really didn't need to do it since im selling them easily so no point on riskying

why should you scam me for 6 bucks then why should i scam you for 6 bucks? you see? everything applies to both sides

i was getting kinda mad about your insistence and was getting kinda annoying so thats why i finished like that

I have nothing agains you, just dont waste my time thats it

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