
How to gain the maximum security and safety when cracking

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As always,i am writing this tutorials for the beginners who wants to start cracking and later i will dive into the advanced level 


Enjoy lads 



 When cracking,you always need anonymity and safety,you do not want to risk yourself injecting websites without security or infecting your machine with a RAT or a ransomeware/malware because you wanted to download SQLi dumper

 I recommend that you use all the tips in this tutorial so you can gain the maximum security 

1-Using a VM (virtual machine):The virtual machine is an environment completely isolated from your original machine,Mainly its used for testing OSs,Making a pen-testing lab,surfing the deep web safely and protecting your main machine from viruses/malwares,there are 2 downsides for the virtual machine;The virtual machine uses a certain amount of your original machine hardware,so this tool wont be an option for the low-end crackers :kek:  (you can use either sandboxie or shadow defender to use the cracking tools and the viruses wont infect your machine as long ad there are enabled),and there are some advanced malwares that can sneak out from the VM and get into your machine but its a rare case


2-Remote Desktop Protocol:The remote desktop or RDP is a server that contain the dream of every gamer,a good CPU,Ram,and a great internet speed that can surpass 1GBPS,It can be turned on 24/7/30/365,you can dump a combo on the RDP with high performance and without the risk of infecting yourself,the downside of the RDP is that most of the hosts do not allow cracking on there servers


3-Getting a good VPN:I do not think i need to explain what is the Virtual Private Network,Never use a free VPN,99% of the free VPNs logs your data,and some paid VPNs such as HMA (shit VPN) keeps logs,The VPN that i suggest for your privacy is NordVPN,Its a 0 Logs policy feature with good settings and modes


3-Using a proxychain:Proxychain is sadly not a well-known method but its still a n amaizing way to stay anonymous on the internet,This process changes the proxy you are using for like... every 5 minutes as an example,I used this method with Kali Linux but never tried it on windows


4-Stop using windows:For the love of god stop using windows even for your daily life,Its a very vulnerable OS,Using linux will ensure safety+you can run Windows programs on Linux Using WINE,For cracking i suggest that you use Kali Linux since it has all the tools that you need Pre-Installed such as SQLmap,proxychain and others


5-Getting good anti-virus+anti malware:You will need a good antivirus and an antimalware in case of haters,i know a friend who was one of the best crackers and he got ratted and there is no way ,i suggest that you use Malwarebytes+Kaspersky,with this combination your pc will be protected against 80% of common viruses


6-Using Tor:And hell no i am not talking about the deep/dark web,not for now at least,At a time you will have enough knowledge to start selling your cracking stuff;tools,dumps,combos etc... and you dont want for your identity to get revealed,This is why i recommend to Use TOR for cracking purposes such as communicating with other crackers/selling your stuff etc...


I know that was quite long but if you get it you will get the maximum security when you start cracking

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Thanks man, this should help people determine wich tools to use and and how to prevent them self from getting a virus from nasty people frat job

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I hope I'm doing it all safe, lets see.

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Thanks for sharing, maybe start from here.

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As always,i am writing this tutorials for the beginners who wants to start cracking and later i will dive into the advanced level 


Enjoy lads 



I know that was quite long but if you get it you will get the maximum security when you start cracking


nice i hope fbi doesnt catch me

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i am a bum, so i need this lol

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that's what i really needed!!!

thank youuuu


lately i got middle man intervention when i was using some tool ..

was pretty annoying,, i'm not dumb to believe such fake sites,, but still i want to keep cracking :<

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I'm using VPN VM and RDP :) let's check



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I want this one its good thank you

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I wanna know what's the right thing to do when cracking... Thank you for posting this

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As always,i am writing this tutorials for the beginners who wants to start cracking and later i will dive into the advanced level 


Enjoy lads 



I know that was quite long but if you get it you will get the maximum security when you start cracking

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looking to learn hope this will help

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:fine: :fine: :fine: :fine: :fine: :fine: :fine: :kappa: gooooooood bruhh

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As always,i am writing this tutorials for the beginners who wants to start cracking and later i will dive into the advanced level 


Enjoy lads 



I know that was quite long but if you get it you will get the maximum security when you start cracking


thanks man i need this

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As always,i am writing this tutorials for the beginners who wants to start cracking and later i will dive into the advanced level 


Enjoy lads 



I know that was quite long but if you get it you will get the maximum security when you start cracking


thanks a lot man  :fiesta:

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its cool thank you

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thanks for your help

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thanks so much for the tutorial bro

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This is very helpful thanks

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As always,i am writing this tutorials for the beginners who wants to start cracking and later i will dive into the advanced level 


Enjoy lads 



I know that was quite long but if you get it you will get the maximum security when you start cracking

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