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Rainbow Six Siege Triple your usable Accounts

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Hey there this is a simple method that makes you  able to use steam linked uplay accounts which are 90% of what you get out of cracking siege,

You will need 4 things



1. Rainbow six siege on steam account without dlc


2. A steam linked uplay account with siege


3. Steam Siege version downloaded


4. A brain


This method is simple and I will explain it quickly just open steam log in with the steam account with siege it doesnt matter if the steam is banned

or not, open uplay and login with the steam linked accounts and press play on uplay the game should open :) If it doesnt you may need to try another account due to it only working if the steam acc and uplay are using the same Siege version (Starter, Gold, Advanced,etc) 


Simple thing will be releasing better stuff later have fun peps :fiesta:

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