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How to make a Combo List for Faster Cracks 16x17[/img]


The Method mean A lot Grap If You wanna Make Combos Fast




This Method Short You A lot Enjoy 16x17[/img]


[/hide] Step 1: Scrape usernames using a API Scraper.


Step 2: Make a password list. For slow, but higher chance of RP or lvl.30 accounts you could try a big password list, but that takes a long time to run a Combo. if you make a small password list such as, 10-20 you will see the cracks come a lot faster. example: I make a 800k Combo with 350 passwords, and crack 50 accounts overnight OR I can choose to make a 100-120k Combo with 10-20 passwords instead, and end up cracking 50 accounts in 1-2 hours, the same number of accounts in a faster time. ( basically choose between cracking less accounts but more hq ones or cracking lots of accounts in the hopes out of 1 of them you get a hq account) (for fastest cracks use 1 password)


Passlist Example:


You can choose to add more or less, up to you. Test new things.

















Step 3: Download a program such as " Botop Combo Utilities Reworked " so you can combine your usernames, and passwords to make a combo list. To do this import your scraped usernames you found & also import your password list. Then combine the two lists using Botops Combo Utilities to create them into a " combo list " that is ready to use (:


Step 4: Once you have a Combo List made you can run the Combo in Sentry MBA or any other Combo checking program you have.

Don't forget to select the region of the combo you made first before starting.


Step 5: Wait until Sentry MBA or chosen program is completed running through your combo, and watch how many new cracks you got (:


Step 6: Check out your cracked accounts with SCL Checker, or any other working league of legends account checker.


Step 7: RECAP: less passwords = faster cracks (low quality accounts). more passwords = slower cracks ( but better chance of hq accounts) [/hide]   :pupper: :wut:


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