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Mining Bitcoin

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Silent Army - mining bitcoin


It is one of the versatile miners featuring fast operation, open source code written in Python, and working with OpenCL. It is noteworthy that the part of the source code Silent Army used in the first releases Claymore's. Production amount of cryptocoins on the algorithm EquiHash in the coin can be implemented on graphics cards from both AMD and NVidia GPU and different CPU (this will require the support of a set of instructions AVX/AVX2).


Initially, Silent Army was intended for mining under sLinux, 

however, today it is successfully used by Windows users using Cygwin. 

The advantage of the software is also the absence of the developer's Commission.


Hasrat cards:


AMD Radeon RX 480 = 75 H/s;

AMD Radeon Fury = 115 H/s;

Nvidia Geforce GTX 1070 = 70 h / s.



Genoil ZEC miner 0.6.2. This rapid miner for mining zcash for using 

GPU supports only AMD GCN cards and can work only under 

Windows management. The miner uses OpenCL Genoil to work 

and there is no additional fee for the developer.


Hashrate equipment:


AMD FX 8350 8 cores = 11 H / s;

AMD Radeon R9 280X = 30 h / s.

The Launch Of The Silent Army:

Download and install Python for Windows.

Download and install Cygwin for Windows.

During Cygwin installation, select and install all Python packages in the "Interpreters"section.

Download SilentArmy 5.0 miner.

Configure SilentArmy 5.0 miner. To determine which are available in the system 

use in devices .bat file parameter "--list " (Example: c:\cygwin64\bin\python3.4m 

silentarmy --list).

Adjust. bat file for mining (Example: c:\cygwin64\bin\python3.4m 

silentarmy --instances=1-c stratum+tcp:// 6666 

- u t1TaokQnaUYLMuuNLT21ypNc1tEdKBeEgpj.1-p x --use 0), where --instances - 

this is the number of threads, - C is the address of the mining pool, - u - 

this is the username for the pool or your wallet address, - p-password for the worker, 

--use - it device list for mining (for example --use 0,1,2,3,4 - 

this is the processor+4 graphics cards in the system).



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