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How to make GIFTCARD COMBOS for whatever you want

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First thing is first, you do not need that much time to do this.

You just need to go to two different websites, and it should be easy to make the combo.


1.) Open these two websites.


2.) On the second website, pick a gift card that you want to make a combo about, I'm going to use Amazon for this example.


3.) Click "Generate Now" and look at the code. (I got HMFJ-5MFVYJ-NPLLY) (You should do this a few times and repeat step 6, once or twice)


4.)  Go to the first website, and type the size of the combo you want to make (without a membership is 1,000. With a membership its 250,000)


5.) Click "Generate using Pattern"


6.) For Code Pattern you need to refer back to the code you got. For each Letter, you put a X and for each number you put a 9.

(X signifies random letter and 9 means random number from 0-9) (For me, I need to put XXXX-9XXXXX-XXXXX)


7.) Press the checkmark to the right of "Exclude Characters:"


8.) Press TXT File


9.) Press "Generate my codes >>"


10.) Download that and put it into your Home screen or whatever you want. 


11.) Enjoy your new Gift card Combo :D


Please don't forget to leave a like and leave a comment. It would help me out a lot.

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