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Sp00kyDorks Create HQ Dorks

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I've used and tested a lot of dork tools these past few days. This one I really like. Couldn't see it uploaded here so thought I'd share it!





[hide]By no means am I an expert, I am still learning. But using the same keywords in different dork tools and then testing each set of dorks from each tool. This tool came back with less urls but a lot more exploitable. Most tutorials boast about getting a lot of google urls, which is pointless if you get 5K urls and only 10 exploitable. Quality over quantity. Less but HQ Dorks = Faster scanning & more exploitable.


Does not support multiple keywords with spaces or ,. For best results use something like uplay-dlc, premium-account. Not those exact keywords but you get the drift, two words separated with -. The tool should fetch other keywords related to the two you put and put them together for dorks. If it doesn't then it either can't connect to the internet or you already have good keywords.



See how it added unlocker onto uplaydlc? That just one.


If you know more about dorks than most you can use the dork config. If not just leave it alone, it's already set at the most used config.




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another bump?  :thinking:


Sorry it's gone...


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