
Collection #1-5 & Zabagur & AntiPublic (Latest 120GB) (1TB TOTAL) - Leaked, Download!

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Excellent work on this one. Thanks.

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Great ! thank you, you are the best

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Great share ! thx !

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This is nutty, I will have to check this out.

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I'll leave a comment if that's legit! But thx for sharing smthg at least !

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Thank you very much :)

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今天我已经上传了Collection#1,Collection#2,Collection#3,Collection#4,Collection#5,Latest Anti Public(120GB)和Zabagur#1。为您免费下载,感谢阅读和享受!






受损数据:电子邮件地址,密码 - 用户名,密码 - 电话,密码



我注意到有人发布了一个虚假或虚假的数据库,称之为集合#1。他说这是一个不同的基础,但包括Collection#1。那是不真实的。集合#1来自1TB云,特洛伊没见过。在这里,我向你呈现真正的集合#1 +更多:(这些都包含在原始转储中,特洛伊只有1个链接而不是全部)
























thanks you!!!!

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Thanks mate !

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this is great i will check it out

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Today I have uploaded the Collection #1, Collection #2, Collection #3, Collection #4, Collection #5, Latest Anti Public (120GB), and Zabagur #1. for you to download for free, thanks for reading and enjoy!



In January 2019, a large collection of credential stuffing lists (combinations of email addresses and passwords used to hijack accounts on other services) was discovered being distributed on a popular hacking forum. The data contained almost 2.7 billion records including 773 million unique email addresses alongside passwords those addresses had used on other breached services. Full details on the incident and how to search the breached passwords are provided in the blog post The 773 Million Record "Collection #1" Data Breach.



Compromised data: Email addresses, Passwords - Usernames, Passwords - Phone, Passwords



It's come to my attention that someone has posted a fake or false database calling it Collection #1. He said it's a different base but includes the Collection #1. That is untrue. Collection #1 comes in a 1TB cloud that troy hasn't seen. Here I present to you The real Collection #1 + More: (These were all included in original dump, troy only got 1 link rather than all)


Collection #1

Collection #2

Collection #3

Collection #4

Collection #5

Latest Anti-Public (120GB)

& Zabagur #1


All these total 1TB. ~ 30B Lines


Ask yourself, do you honestly believe theres 100B records in a combo list? Where would it even come from? lol


Here's the real thing.


Need proof? The layout is same as troys, size is same, + here's original sales thread from owner:




(Blurred as the owner is under a lot of heat right now due to the exposure of this, so done out of respect, not that i care or anything just don't want drama).[/align]




Today I have uploaded the Collection #1, Collection #2, Collection #3, Collection #4, Collection #5, Latest Anti Public (120GB), and Zabagur #1. for you to download for free, thanks for reading and enjoy!Today I have uploaded the Collection #1, Collection #2, Collection #3, Collection #4, Collection #5, Latest Anti Public (120GB), and Zabagur #1. for you to download for free, thanks for reading and enjoy!Today I have uploaded the Collection #1, Collection #2, Collection #3, Collection #4, Collection #5, Latest Anti Public (120GB), and Zabagur #1. for you to download for free, thanks for reading and enjoy!Today I have uploaded the Collection #1, Collection #2, Collection #3, Collection #4, Collection #5, Latest Anti Public (120GB), and Zabagur #1. for you to download for free, thanks for reading and enjoy!

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lawl, alright well... I'm hoping this is legit

Aaayy, thx, it's legit, I vouch

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DOn't even know what is about but I wanna see it

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I'm going to download these files so I can search for some of my old e-mail accounts... even I'm not using them anymore!

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