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How to check a price and quality for combo or DB, and how public it is?

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Besides obvious examples like antipublic software which I consider as not a fair idea against seller, some public outputs can be useful more than private, also its really easy to fake output with invisible symbols or unique fake emails. Same as rigged combos with public hits to avoid getting accused of total trash. 



How I check combos?[hide]

1st. On with files directory output. I check data of uploads, if there's a year pattern like 2014-2015 its probably useless kind of a combo. Also mega.NZ hitratio on new fresh combos or rat dumps goes up to 5%, so its a lot. If there's a lack of mega accounts probably base is shit. For specific kind of test, you can scrape or manual check IP logins amount, since when and etc. If you will pick 10 accounts you'll find a pattern in most used combos/resold ect. Amount of premium accounts is important, if theres a lot it means its really good quality DB. 




that is good quality of combos, and its @then3r0x combo



2nd way is weleakinfo.





That way is really powerful against public combos. You check random emails and get easy to check what kind of origin of a leak it has. 

If there's a specific pattern for DB it's 90% pasted part of some older DB and packed into some "private" box without guaranteed hits. 




3rd. Mail access - the most valuable combo. Even if its public and raped it still has value if you are smart enough to find your unique ideas/target. But what it matters is how old mail, and when they started to recover passwords, if there's info about password recovery in a mass that proves date of origin leak and if its already raped. 


If you'll do that test with 10 different mails of public combo, you'll easily find out which db part it was so it proves my point.

Each of these methods is time taking, but with that value of proofs, you can rate combo. [/hide]

MYRZ antipublic is a meme, no thx. 



How should look a vouch of someone else combo? 





semi good mega ratio, I got doubt of it with my SQL db, but accounts are quite new - files uploaded since 2014, but most are 2017-18 so it means its newer base, yeah a godlike hint to check value of data.

private/public ratio good imo.

accounts active so not bad, whatelse? WLI drops from public





No pattern when it comes to output so most likely its not copypasted part of random big DB, so a plus.

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Nice share mate! Hope it helps me.

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Besides obvious examples like antipublic software which I consider as not a fair idea against seller, some public outputs can be useful more than private, also its really easy to fake output with invisible symbols or unique fake emails. Same as rigged combos with public hits to avoid getting accused of total trash. 



How I check combos?

MYRZ antipublic is a meme, no thx. 



How should look a vouch of someone else combo? 





semi good mega ratio, I got doubt of it with my SQL db, but accounts are quite new - files uploaded since 2014, but most are 2017-18 so it means its newer base, yeah a godlike hint to check value of data.

private/public ratio good imo.

accounts active so not bad, whatelse? WLI drops from public





No pattern when it comes to output so most likely its not copypasted part of random big DB, so a plus.


tnx man really helpfull stuff

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Im really appraised this post! THank you so much for sahring! <3Im really appraised this post! THank you so much for sahring! <3

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My bro good content .....Liked...

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going to check this out

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Thnxxxxxxxxx broooooooo

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