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Been looking all over for this, thanks g

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super great share that's great

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thx for share bro

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cheers for sharing

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Thanks For This Great Share. Really Appreciate Your Hard Work!

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ty that will help alot but if i change the ini type to bbc is it gona work?

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You won't able to load ini config into this version of blackbullet because they developer changed the format to .bbc


However we included a converter that can convert .ini configs into .bbc





- Removed the Christmas Theme but kept the snow as an optional Theme setting that can be enabled.

- [Feature] The Bot Log is now disabled by default when bruteforcing, to allow more speed and less CPU usage to the average user. If you're a config maker and want to debug your bots like you used to to, simply enable the new option in Settings > General.

- [Feature] You can now save hits directly to a file from the HitsDB (rightclick menu)



- [bugfix] Now UnixTimeToDate and UnixTimeToISO8601 can handle milliseconds inputs as well

- [bugfix] Not skipping the first line anymore

- [Feature] New function DateToUnixTime

- [bugfix] Fixed parse with empty L and R (source)

- [bugfix] The warning when proxies run out and no unban options is selected will now be prompted just once

- [bugfix] Solved the issue with using the captcha from screenshot

- [bugfix] Fixed UI bug in the Script Block's editor

- [bugfix] The starting point is updated after an abort without the need to reload wordlist / config

- [Feature] You can now write SET GCOOKIES in LoliScript to copy all the cookies from the current cookie jar to the shared jar. The cookies in the shared jar will be assigned to each of the bots' own cookie jar when they are starting up (so the jar won't be empty anymore at the start). You can use this in conjunction with a global variable to set a trigger of when the cookies are set or expired.

- [Feature] Added a new fixed variable to retrieve the number of the current bot processing the combo (this allows to have bots dedicated to specific jobs e.g. retrieving cookies)




its have some fails so be save and run it VM or sandibox


2 download links




this looks good still

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You won't able to load ini config into this version of blackbullet because they developer changed the format to .bbc


However we included a converter that can convert .ini configs into .bbc





- Removed the Christmas Theme but kept the snow as an optional Theme setting that can be enabled.

- [Feature] The Bot Log is now disabled by default when bruteforcing, to allow more speed and less CPU usage to the average user. If you're a config maker and want to debug your bots like you used to to, simply enable the new option in Settings > General.

- [Feature] You can now save hits directly to a file from the HitsDB (rightclick menu)



- [bugfix] Now UnixTimeToDate and UnixTimeToISO8601 can handle milliseconds inputs as well

- [bugfix] Not skipping the first line anymore

- [Feature] New function DateToUnixTime

- [bugfix] Fixed parse with empty L and R (source)

- [bugfix] The warning when proxies run out and no unban options is selected will now be prompted just once

- [bugfix] Solved the issue with using the captcha from screenshot

- [bugfix] Fixed UI bug in the Script Block's editor

- [bugfix] The starting point is updated after an abort without the need to reload wordlist / config

- [Feature] You can now write SET GCOOKIES in LoliScript to copy all the cookies from the current cookie jar to the shared jar. The cookies in the shared jar will be assigned to each of the bots' own cookie jar when they are starting up (so the jar won't be empty anymore at the start). You can use this in conjunction with a global variable to set a trigger of when the cookies are set or expired.

- [Feature] Added a new fixed variable to retrieve the number of the current bot processing the combo (this allows to have bots dedicated to specific jobs e.g. retrieving cookies)




its have some fails so be save and run it VM or sandibox


2 download links




thanks very much

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Thanks for the share bro!

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hi Ini


config'i bu blackbullet sürümüne yükleyemezsiniz, zaten geliştirici biçimi .bbc olarak değiştirdiler.


Ancak .ini yapılandırmalarını .bbc biçimine dönüştürebilen bir dönüştürücü dahil ettik.





- Kaldırıldı Noel Tema ancak karı etkinleştirilebiliyorken bağlı bir Tema ayarı olarak tuttu.

- [Özellik] Bot Günlüğü bruteforcing işlemi, ortalama ortalaması daha fazla hız ve daha az CPU kullanımı için varsayılan olarak devre dışı bırakıldı. Bir konfigürasyon yapıcısıysanız ve eskisi gibi botlarınızda hata ayıklamak yoluyla, sadece Ayarlar> Genel'deki yeni ayarlar etkinleştirin.

- [Özellik] Artık Dogrudan HitsDB (rightclick menüsü) Bir dosyaya isabet kaydedebilir



- [Hata Düzeltme] Şimdi, UnixTimeToDate ziyaretinde UnixTimeToISO8601 da milisaniye Girdileri işleyebilir

- [Hata Düzeltme] artık ilk satiri atlanması

- [Özellik] Yeni fonksiyonu DateToUnixTime

- [Hata Düzeltme] boş L ve R (kaynak) ile sabit ayrıştırma

- [Hata Düzeltme] proxy'ler bitten ve uzaklaştığınız seçiminizi ayarlıyorsanız şu anda bir defa istenecek

- [bugfix] Captcha'yı ekranın içinden düzenleme sorunu çözüldü

- [bugfix] hatası düzeltildi

- [bugfix] Başlangıç noktası wordlist / config komutunu yeniden yükleeye gerek kalmadan iptal edildikten sonra ayarlair

- [Özellik] Artık mevcut çerez kavanozundan paylaşılan kavanoza tüm çerezleri kopyalamak için LoliScript'te SET GCOOKIES yazabilirsiniz. Paylaşılan kavanozdaki çerezler, başlatıldıklarında botların kendi çerez kavanozlarının her birine atanacaktır (kavanozdan başlangıçta boş kalmaz). Bunu, çerezlerin ne zaman ayarlanabilmesi veya süresinin ne zaman tetikleneceğini ayarlamak için global bir değişkenle birlikte yapılmakta.

- [Özellik] Birleşik İşlemi yapan Geçerli botun numarasını almak Için Yeni Bir sabit Değişken eklendi (bu, çerezleri almak gibi beligbli işlere Adanmış botların olmasina Izin Verir) algılamaonun başarısızlıkları var,


VT dosya / c700605982053e674d26af9de9391f778936b34496c9e60a0c7affc05bd6687e / düşünme





2 indirme bağlantılarını sunuyor ve teşekkürler thanksss



thnakkssssss mannnn

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thanks for sharing bro

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You won't able to load ini config into this version of blackbullet because they developer changed the format to .bbc


However we included a converter that can convert .ini configs into .bbc





- Removed the Christmas Theme but kept the snow as an optional Theme setting that can be enabled.

- [Feature] The Bot Log is now disabled by default when bruteforcing, to allow more speed and less CPU usage to the average user. If you're a config maker and want to debug your bots like you used to to, simply enable the new option in Settings > General.

- [Feature] You can now save hits directly to a file from the HitsDB (rightclick menu)



- [bugfix] Now UnixTimeToDate and UnixTimeToISO8601 can handle milliseconds inputs as well

- [bugfix] Not skipping the first line anymore

- [Feature] New function DateToUnixTime

- [bugfix] Fixed parse with empty L and R (source)

- [bugfix] The warning when proxies run out and no unban options is selected will now be prompted just once

- [bugfix] Solved the issue with using the captcha from screenshot

- [bugfix] Fixed UI bug in the Script Block's editor

- [bugfix] The starting point is updated after an abort without the need to reload wordlist / config

- [Feature] You can now write SET GCOOKIES in LoliScript to copy all the cookies from the current cookie jar to the shared jar. The cookies in the shared jar will be assigned to each of the bots' own cookie jar when they are starting up (so the jar won't be empty anymore at the start). You can use this in conjunction with a global variable to set a trigger of when the cookies are set or expired.

- [Feature] Added a new fixed variable to retrieve the number of the current bot processing the combo (this allows to have bots dedicated to specific jobs e.g. retrieving cookies)




its have some fails so be save and run it VM or sandibox


2 download links




ty for sharing +rep

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thx gadihoj May God almighty bless you with a life full of joy and happiness. ... May God give you the strength and wisdom to smoothly surmount all the challenges life brings you. Stay blessed and enjoy your day to the fullest

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You won't able to load ini config into this version of blackbullet because they developer changed the format to .bbc


However we included a converter that can convert .ini configs into .bbc





- Removed the Christmas Theme but kept the snow as an optional Theme setting that can be enabled.

- [Feature] The Bot Log is now disabled by default when bruteforcing, to allow more speed and less CPU usage to the average user. If you're a config maker and want to debug your bots like you used to to, simply enable the new option in Settings > General.

- [Feature] You can now save hits directly to a file from the HitsDB (rightclick menu)



- [bugfix] Now UnixTimeToDate and UnixTimeToISO8601 can handle milliseconds inputs as well

- [bugfix] Not skipping the first line anymore

- [Feature] New function DateToUnixTime

- [bugfix] Fixed parse with empty L and R (source)

- [bugfix] The warning when proxies run out and no unban options is selected will now be prompted just once

- [bugfix] Solved the issue with using the captcha from screenshot

- [bugfix] Fixed UI bug in the Script Block's editor

- [bugfix] The starting point is updated after an abort without the need to reload wordlist / config

- [Feature] You can now write SET GCOOKIES in LoliScript to copy all the cookies from the current cookie jar to the shared jar. The cookies in the shared jar will be assigned to each of the bots' own cookie jar when they are starting up (so the jar won't be empty anymore at the start). You can use this in conjunction with a global variable to set a trigger of when the cookies are set or expired.

- [Feature] Added a new fixed variable to retrieve the number of the current bot processing the combo (this allows to have bots dedicated to specific jobs e.g. retrieving cookies)




its have some fails so be save and run it VM or sandibox


2 download links




Thanks for sharing Luv ya

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thanks man your work

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