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What should i do,Dropshipping or Reselling

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OK guys here is what happened to me


Yesterday i found an OP Russian website selling cheap (in Rub) HQ stuff,and i said;Hell yeah i will earn a shit ton with this website :fine: +i wont leak it because the prices will rise like the sun if i do it,I know the smart choice is to get the products then resell them,but i am afraid that i might not get any sales,on the other hand Drop-shipping will guarantee the profit and i wont care about the costumers,But if i become inactive (exams as example) then i will get worse reputation


What do you recommend,Start to Resell or Dropship

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I would suggest dropshipping at first but if you want to make a name for yourself, go with resell. Buy the units, repackage and reship.

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Yeah, I suggest that you start with dropshipping. Because of what Perileos said, and it'll also protect yourself when starting out.

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