
The mess of google pixels and the FBI

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yeah i am not sure if SErs are the reason for the FBI to investigate google pixels


can anybody confirm it?

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Why else would the FBI investigate? Besides the main purpose of the FBI are: terrorism and fraud. Social engineering is fraud.

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It's old news and I'm pretty sure at this point it's a meme.

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FBI is not fraud. Secret service handles fraud.

Why else would the FBI investigate? Besides the main purpose of the FBI are: terrorism and fraud. Social engineering is fraud.

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FBI is not fraud. Secret service handles fraud.

Why else would the FBI investigate? Besides the main purpose of the FBI are: terrorism and fraud. Social engineering is fraud.


"Combat major white-collar crime"


Although it's not entirely a white-collar crime, it's very similar. Large scale crime, from a certain group of people.

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I am not sure if it is real but it is possible as they got hit with massive amounts of fraud and we all know Google is not that dumb considering people legit google "How to SE google pixel" trying to look for methods on other forums

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