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A Way To Speed up the Warning Procees

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As you have read in the title, I would like to see a way implemented in to speed up the warning process for good behavior. For example, I have received a 4-week warning on my account for reasons I wish not to disclose and I have fixed what I have done wrong and done a lot more than none to get a chance to lower wy warning period. I am not saying to remove the whole warning period but to lower it.


Thank you for reading

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Just wait the 4 weeks...

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agree my lob <3

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Just wait the 4 weeks...


Why should I, If I have improved and changed my ways

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Idea is retarded. I agree with @Ace wait the 4 weeks.

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Just wait the 4 weeks...


Why should I, If I have improved and changed my ways


You broke the rules, you get a certain punishment. The punishment is in place so you do not break the rules again, it moitvates you not to do anything stupid. Besides, after the 4 weeks is over you're back to a good level and it won't be going up anymore - right? :smart:

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Just wait 4 weeks. I also been warned for a stupid error.. shit happens...

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