PAIN316 0 thanks for sharing this configs bro Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ameer7awwad 1 i hope still working m tired of serching Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
karayp2134 3 DONT LEECH; YANITLARI VAR; Bir Beğeni Bırak, Yapması Kolay Değil thanks mannnn Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
loganishealthygtamasterr 0 DONT LEECH; THERE ARE REPERCUSSIONS; Leave a Like, Wasnt easy to make Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blowme 4 thanx 4 the share...trying 2 find sum good1s Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Father 1 big thank for big share... keep it up Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rezoo 0 This is what we caled crack bro thank you Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
c03dr 2 DONT LEECH; THERE ARE REPERCUSSIONS; Leave a Like, Wasnt easy to make Let me check this out :fiesta: :fiesta: :fiesta: :fiesta: :fiesta: 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aminovic13000 0 DONT LEECH; THERE ARE REPERCUSSIONS; Leave a Like, Wasnt easy to make thank you man for sharing man Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wearehackers 0 very helpfull configs thank you Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WesleyH101 6 DONT LEECH; THERE ARE REPERCUSSIONS; Leave a Like, Wasnt easy to make Thanks brooO! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ParleG 0 DONT LEECH; THERE ARE REPERCUSSIONS; Leave a Like, Wasnt easy to make thanks you really appreaicate Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
polvis23 3 DONT LEECH; THERE ARE REPERCUSSIONS; Leave a Like, Wasnt easy to make thanks for sahre Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Faith 0 Was looking for something like this, thanks man! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grey 24 НЕ ЛИХ; РЕПЕРКУССИИ; Оставьте лайк, не легко сделать [Список слов] UserIndex = 1 PassIndex = 2 EmailIndex = 0 AAF86C0F4B2425CA343D34E778D6A370 = 4182 [Настройка] SiteURL = HTTP: // Тайм-аут = 20 WaitBot = 0 ResolveHost = 0 ComboFilter = 0 ComboMode = 0 EmailFilter = 0 EmailMode = 0 UsernameStart = 6 UsernameEnd = 8 InvalidChars = AllowedChars = Письма = 0 Цифры = 0 Альфа = 0 Email = 0 LowerUpper = 0 LetterDigit = 0 SpeciaChar = 0 PasswordStart = 6 PasswordEnd = 8 PasswordInvalidChars = PasswordAllowedChars = PasswordLetters = 0 PasswordDigits = 0 PasswordAlpha = 0 PasswordEmail = 0 PasswordLowerUpper = 0 PasswordLetterDigit = 0 PasswordSpeciaChar = 0 ProxyActivate = 10 ProxyRatio = 4 ProxyCombo = 0 WaitTime = 5 BanWindowWidth = 1 BanWindowRatio = 10 BanWindowProxies = 10 blnNoProxies = 1 HTTPHeader = | Accept: * / * | User-Agent: | Хост: | Pragma: no-cache | Соединение: keep-alive | RequestMethod = 2 Referer = 0 POSTData=uid=&pwd= [Fake] AfterFP=1 blnSuccess=0 SuccessRetries=3 blnProcessErrors=0 blnCompleteNot=1 EnableConHits=0 ConHits=0 FollowRedirect=1 EnableConLength=0 ConLength=-1 SourceTags=1 UserField=0 HTTPFollow=1 blnForbToOK=0 ForbToOkLength=1000 blnBadOcrCode=0 BadOcrCodeRetries=3 [Keywords] EnableHeaderSuccess=0 EnableHeaderBan=0 EnableHeaderFail=0 EnableHeaderRetry=0 HeaderSuccess= HeaderBan= HeaderFail= HeaderRetry= EnableGlobalSourceRetry=1 EnableSourceSuccess=1 EnableSourceBan=0 EnableSourceFail=1 EnableSourceRetry=0 SourceSuccess=Log Out;Logout;LOG OUT;LOGOUT;Welcome;Sign Out;SIGNOUT;sign out;>Log Out<;>View All<;JuNaiD SourceBan= SourceFail=||>Wrong login / password<;Wrong login / password SourceRetry= [Form] IAParse=0 LoginPostData= LoginMethod=1 LoginHeader=0 Action= Username=uid Password=pwd Email= AddData= CustomData= NoIndex= Cookie= IAction=-1 IUser=-1 IPass=-1 IEmail=-2 ICaptcha=-1 ReqReferer= ReqCookie= AjaxURL= AjaxPOSTData= AjaxData= AjaxParsingCode= RefData= ParsingCode= FormRedirectUrl= RedPostData= RedKeys= ||Log Out> CaptureParsingCode=|<|#00|#00|0|#00|::: =>> Your Account Membership is Premium |0 RefreshSession=0 RefreshCookie=0 FormHeader=0 AjaxHeader=0 RedHeader=0 IAMethod=2 POSTMethod=2 RedMethod=1 ImageAfterAjax=0 blnBasic=0 FollowRedirectsOnIA=0 FollowRedirectsOnRed=1 [Ajax] Variables= PostElements2= RedURL= [OCR] OCRMode=0 URLMode=0 ImageURLID=|| Captcha= OCRKey= RefreshCaptcha=0 blnContrast=0 blnBrightness=0 blnSaturation=0 blnThreshold=0 blnInvert=0 blnNoise=0 blnIsolate=0 blnResize=0 blnBorder=0 blnCharExtract=0 blnRemoveColors=0 blnStringFilter = 0 blnLetter = 1 blnDigits = 1 blnBlur = 0 blnReconstruct = 0 blnLower = 0 blnUpper = 0 blnRemoveLines = 0 blnMultiChar = 0 blnCharTable = 0 blnPalette = 0 blnCharResize = 0 blnCharSubExtraction = 0 blnThreeImages = 0 blnGif = 0 blnCompute = 0 blnBorderPre = 0 Контраст = 0 Яркость = 0 Насыщенность = 0 Порог = 0 Шум = 1 Изолировать = 1 Изменение размера = 2 BorderLeft = 0 BorderTop = 0 BorderRight = 0 BorderBottom = 0 CharExtractMinBlack = 0 CharExtractMaxBlack = 1 CharExtractMinWidth = 1 CharRotateMax = 0 CharRotateSteps = 5 MinLength = 1 MaxLength = 10 BlurRadius = 1 CharExtractMaxWidth = 33 CharWidthMinBlack = 2 CharSpace = 1 Диапазон = 0 InvertDensity = 0 InvertLength = 20 LineCurvatureMax = 4 LineWidthMax = 13 CharResize = 1 CharHeight = 13 GifStart = 2 GifOffset = 2 BorderLeftPre = 0 BorderTopPre = 0 BorderRightPre = 0 BorderBottomPre = 0 CharBorderH = 5 CharBorderV = 5 CharRotateBorder = 5 CharExtractMinHeight = 1 VerticalRejoin = 30 CharExclude = SpecialChars = Цвета = colors2 = Линии = Мин. Длина: 2, Макс. Ширина: 5, Горизонталь Язык = анг Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites