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Daily limit is 8

Max bet is 250 credits,but when u insert 255 its says u cant bet more than 250 and count it as 1 game

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Its more of an hourly thing I guess, didn't get more than two tries between last 2 hours and now all my 8 attempts are used up by playing throughout the day. I wanted to play all 8 at one go but couldn't like yesterday.

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The plugin actually checks how many bets you've done in the last 24 hours (current time minus 24 hours) and then kills and displays the error at the same time. Simply put, the plugin doesn't have time to count it as 1 game as that comes well after it kills the script. You've just bet more than 8 times in the last 24 hours...


Edit: A count of how many games you've played in the last 24 hours could be useful...

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