
[Cracked] Antidetect 7.1R [2018]

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AntiDetect 7.1R is a Tool that sppofs your browser user agent and other info like that to seem like your browsing from a phone windows 10 machine etc. Goes around for 400$ AntiDetect version 8 .


Good for crackers carders.It can also be good for hiding your fingerprint online spoofing as someone else and many more.





What is a User Agent?


Everyone that is browsing the web right now has a user agent. It's the software that acts as the bridge between you, the user, and the internet. It's easiest to understand user agents if we 


backtrack and look at the evolution of the web, so we can understand the benefits of user agents.




When the internet was a text-based system, right back at the beginning of its use, users had to type commands to navigate and send messages. Now, we have browsers to do that for us. 


We simply point and click, and the browser is acting as our "agent," turning our actions into commands.




When your browser (or similar device) loads a website, it identifies itself as an agent when it retrieves the content you've requested. Along with that user agent identification, 


the browser sends a host of information about the device and network that it's on. This is a really set of data for web developers, since it allows them to customize the experience 


depending on the user agent that's loaded the page. ~From https://www.whoishos...ols/user-agent/








1) Open AntiDetect [7.1R].exe as Admin


2) Give it a minute(since it has to open cracked and drop all the configs ) it will open register dialog


3) Just click register no need to put info in


4) where it says choose file with the three dot button on the right click it


5) Make sure when you click it you are in the folder with the antidetect crack


6) Select in the select file option


7) click open (the password is 123456)


8) select your Firefox version (goes up to [ff_41-ff_48]ff_48 being the latest )


9) mess with your setting if you want and select the config you want with the drop down 


10) Selected +Anti Detect in the top right next to flash then click play


should work if not working as in its not spoofed download or diffrent link copy that to the main anti detect folder repeat step make sure running as admin and all of the antidetect things are closes. If still not working keep rerunning and if not still pm me.




Boom your done it will launch Firefox and you can check the browser user agent here : https://www.whoishos...ols/user-agent/



better to run in vm vb for more anonymous results 

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very good.very good.very good.very good.very good.very good.very good.

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does this actually work? confirmed?

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thanks bro really wanted it,

infact downloaded from another site and it was infected

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can anyone verify this is clean?

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Thank you bro, I hope this can be used. The one I just downloaded needs password to extract.

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is it work ? or not

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Thank you bro, I hope this can be used. The one I just downloaded needs password to extract...

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very very goooooood

password not working bitch

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