baran0 0 Version 2.3.1. [align=center]✓ Fix the "Unhandled Config Exception... Index Out of Range" Error for most of configs (or all) ✓ Fix the wrong "Variable has been used but never Declared!" while using RegexExAdd. (just forget to update the log after all the changes i made for the Loop-Condition)[/align] [align=center] ✓ The Variable System now Supports different Type of values and not only string anymore, it makes me able to make more flexible and better functions! ✓ Added "Loop-Condition"! Let's Loop through the Stage till you like! Get the Loop Counter by $CurLoop# Variable! ✓ Added a Catched Exception message to the next line of "Failed to connect! bad proxy/connection/host." message, more detailed info. ✓ Added RegexEx, RegexExAdd, RegexExPropertiesSetter and RegexExPrint Functions! ✓ Added JsonSerialize, CharCodeAt Functions! ✓ Added Stats of the Donation Goal and "Donate Now" Button to the About tab, But Clicking to the Donation Goal message also will do the same ✓ Fixed a very rare Stack Empty Config Error due to the Variables which Starts with the same chars as the available Operators (Like $Order variable) ✓ Performance Improvements.[/align] Compilations 127 Configs all working / shoping / gaming / music / streaming/ thanks i will share Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IWannaBeAGuy 0 I just want to start with Storm so you are the best. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shadow 1,871 Love this release, thanks for sharing it Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smory 1 thanks very very much about this work Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sami123 1 Mercii Beacouup Thank youu very very much Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shou 0 Version 2.3.1. [align=center]✓ Fix the "Unhandled Config Exception... Index Out of Range" Error for most of configs (or all) ✓ Fix the wrong "Variable has been used but never Declared!" while using RegexExAdd. (just forget to update the log after all the changes i made for the Loop-Condition)[/align] [align=center] ✓ The Variable System now Supports different Type of values and not only string anymore, it makes me able to make more flexible and better functions! ✓ Added "Loop-Condition"! Let's Loop through the Stage till you like! Get the Loop Counter by $CurLoop# Variable! ✓ Added a Catched Exception message to the next line of "Failed to connect! bad proxy/connection/host." message, more detailed info. ✓ Added RegexEx, RegexExAdd, RegexExPropertiesSetter and RegexExPrint Functions! ✓ Added JsonSerialize, CharCodeAt Functions! ✓ Added Stats of the Donation Goal and "Donate Now" Button to the About tab, But Clicking to the Donation Goal message also will do the same ✓ Fixed a very rare Stack Empty Config Error due to the Variables which Starts with the same chars as the available Operators (Like $Order variable) ✓ Performance Improvements.[/align] Compilations 127 Configs all working / shoping / gaming / music / streaming/ ayeeee Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
muhammadbrumand 0 thats freat man thats great man thanks Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bole27 0 Version 2.3.1. [align=center]✓ Fix the "Unhandled Config Exception... Index Out of Range" Error for most of configs (or all) ✓ Fix the wrong "Variable has been used but never Declared!" while using RegexExAdd. (just forget to update the log after all the changes i made for the Loop-Condition)[/align] [align=center] ✓ The Variable System now Supports different Type of values and not only string anymore, it makes me able to make more flexible and better functions! ✓ Added "Loop-Condition"! Let's Loop through the Stage till you like! Get the Loop Counter by $CurLoop# Variable! ✓ Added a Catched Exception message to the next line of "Failed to connect! bad proxy/connection/host." message, more detailed info. ✓ Added RegexEx, RegexExAdd, RegexExPropertiesSetter and RegexExPrint Functions! woow very nice ✓ Added JsonSerialize, CharCodeAt Functions! ✓ Added Stats of the Donation Goal and "Donate Now" Button to the About tab, But Clicking to the Donation Goal message also will do the same ✓ Fixed a very rare Stack Empty Config Error due to the Variables which Starts with the same chars as the available Operators (Like $Order variable) ✓ Performance Improvements.[/align] Compilations 127 Configs all working / shoping / gaming / music / streaming/ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AntiVirusScan 23 Thanks for the config pack will be a good start. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites