vejim 0 ddddddddddd oijiojiojiojiojiojiojiojiojioj Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sanjeet1 5 ✩ Version [2019]✩ - Performance/MVVM Improvements. - Added Donors List in a new page to appreciate them. - Added Support for Solving Different type of Captchas by Different Captcha Solving Services/Tools, Make your Own Captcha Solver Config and Solve Captchas By just Using 'Captcha' Function in the main config. - Added Support for Loading an Account List for the Captcha Solver Config, Load Bulk of Accounts to not get stopped for a low-balance account. - Added Support for Putting an Asterisk (*) instead of Numbers in Variable- Config keys. NOTE: The line orders of Variables matters as it don't read variables by the ordered numbers. Numbered Variables are still supported. - Added Support for putting Byte Array (byte[]) In PostContent. - Added 'Type' key for Stages and supports 'Socket' and 'HttpImageOnly' types, Stages with 'Socket' Type will not Send Any Requests automatically by itself and Stages with 'HttpImageOnly' and the 'StageXXResponseImage' Variable is used to Recieve an Image and get it's bytes within an HTTP/s Request. - Added 'For' and 'While' Keywords, The same as C#, Loop through Variables and Functions/Codes as much as you want. - Added 'Advanced View' for Debug Logs, Makes you able to Use Syntax Highlight / Find Text / HTML Viewer. - Added 'Stop' feature to be able to Stop Running Debug Config/Stage. - Added 'Captcha' Function. - Added 'GenerateOAuth' Function, Generate OAuth Header Lines and Signatures. - Added 'Shuffle' and 'Random' Functions, Generate PURE Random Numbers/Strings/User-Agents/Device-Models/Bytes and Headers and Shuffle the lines. - Added 'Invoke' Function, Invoke different methods of different types directly. - Added 'GetPropertyValue' Function, Gets a specific property value of the Input Variable Type. - Added 'Convert' Function, Returns an object of a specified type whose value is equivalent to a specified object. - Added 'SocketClient', 'SocketClientWrite', 'SocketClientRead', 'SocketClientReadToEnd', 'SocketClientReadToDelimiter', 'SocketClientReadToCount', 'SocketClientPrintData', 'SocketClientClearData' and 'SocketClientDisconnect' Functions, Make your own Socket Requests Directly and Totally Customized/Managed. - Added 'Bytes' and 'ArrayCopy' Functions, Create Byte Arrays and manage them. - Added 'GenerateAESKey' Function, Generate RFC2898 AES Keys. - Added 'CallIf' Function, Call/Execute Another function and return the value if the Provided Condition matched. - Added 'StringFormat' and 'ToString' Functions, Google "C# String.Format" and "C# ToString" for more info. - Added 'GetDateTime' Function, Returns the Current Date/Time or Provided Timestamp's Date/Time. - Added Support for Getting Provided Date/Time UnixTime to the 'UnixTime' Function. - Added 'RemoveDuplicates' Function, Remove Duplicate Words/Specific Words or Lines of the Provided String. - Added 'List' and 'ListAdd' Functions, Represents C# System.Collections.Generic.List object. - Added 'Dictionary' and 'DictionaryAdd' Functions, Represents C# System.Collections.Generic object. - Added 'HashTable' and 'HashTableAdd' Functions, Represents C# System.Collections.Hashtable object. - Added 'KeyValuePair' Function, Represents C# KeyValuePair object, Can be used to Add Items to Dictionaries and HashTables and more. - Added 'MultiPartFormDataContent' and 'FileParameter' Functions, Generate MultiPartFormData, Also supports File Parameter. Returns a Byte Array (byte[]) - Added 'GetItemAt' and 'SetItemAt' Functions, Get and Set Items to Lists/HashTables/Arrays and Dictionaries at Specific index/key. - Added 'SimpleJsonWriter' Function, Returns Json Text by providing HashTable. - Added 'FromCharCode' Function, Converts Unicode values into characters. - Added 'JavascriptStringEncode' and 'JavaScriptStringDecode' Functions. - Added 'Contains', 'NotContains', 'EqualEx' and 'NotEqualEx' Functions, Compare Several Strings to the Source with one function. - Added Support For HmacSHA224 Hash Generation. - Added Support for Bytes input types for the "PBKDF2-HMAC" function. - Added Support for Bytes Input types for the "HMAC" Function. - Added Support for Hex output of "GetString" Function. - Added Support for Specifying The Encoding in 'URLEncode'/'URLDecode' Functions. - Added 'Play Sound On Hits' Feature, You can also change the sound to what you want. (Separated for each worker). - Added and Used New Powerful List Controls that makes you to also Filter Items in like a boss by Microsoft Excel's ways. - Added 'DeepSkip' General Config Option, 'DeepSkip = True' will Also Skip the Variable Execution and The Conditions of The Skipped Stages, Default is False. - Used a new Encryption key for Encrypted Configs (Old Encrypted Configs are still usable) - Fixed FTP Configs cannot be run with 2 or more threads. - Fixed "Delete Worker" button was not disposing/releasing some resources. - Fixed The Start button is not doing anything because of the invalid chars in "HitsFolderName" (Removes invalid chars from "HitsFolderName"). - Fixed Configs was not being loaded if you opened STORM via Start menu. - Fixed 'Copy All' and 'Save All' Buttons now Get the Items from Database to not be limited to the Max. List items (1000). - Fixed Delete Worker button now Disposes Objects. - Fixed GetBytes / GetString minor issue with the Destination/Source Encoding. - Removed 'JsonSerialize' Function. [update] Compilations 345 Configs all working / shoping / gaming / music / streaming/ thank you very much Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
capullones 0 increíble el programa storm,muchas gracias. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dwwd2133s 0 up with all the updates lets see what new configs are here now :D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IceMan7 1 Woah i thought STORM and bb and ob all stopped working.. thanks alot. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
salah@@ 3 ✩ Version [2019]✩ - Performance/MVVM Improvements. - Added Donors List in a new page to appreciate them. - Added Support for Solving Different type of Captchas by Different Captcha Solving Services/Tools, Make your Own Captcha Solver Config and Solve Captchas By just Using 'Captcha' Function in the main config. - Added Support for Loading an Account List for the Captcha Solver Config, Load Bulk of Accounts to not get stopped for a low-balance account. - Added Support for Putting an Asterisk (*) instead of Numbers in Variable- Config keys. NOTE: The line orders of Variables matters as it don't read variables by the ordered numbers. Numbered Variables are still supported. - Added Support for putting Byte Array (byte[]) In PostContent. - Added 'Type' key for Stages and supports 'Socket' and 'HttpImageOnly' types, Stages with 'Socket' Type will not Send Any Requests automatically by itself and Stages with 'HttpImageOnly' and the 'StageXXResponseImage' Variable is used to Recieve an Image and get it's bytes within an HTTP/s Request. - Added 'For' and 'While' Keywords, The same as C#, Loop through Variables and Functions/Codes as much as you want. - Added 'Advanced View' for Debug Logs, Makes you able to Use Syntax Highlight / Find Text / HTML Viewer. - Added 'Stop' feature to be able to Stop Running Debug Config/Stage. - Added 'Captcha' Function. - Added 'GenerateOAuth' Function, Generate OAuth Header Lines and Signatures. - Added 'Shuffle' and 'Random' Functions, Generate PURE Random Numbers/Strings/User-Agents/Device-Models/Bytes and Headers and Shuffle the lines. - Added 'Invoke' Function, Invoke different methods of different types directly. - Added 'GetPropertyValue' Function, Gets a specific property value of the Input Variable Type. - Added 'Convert' Function, Returns an object of a specified type whose value is equivalent to a specified object. - Added 'SocketClient', 'SocketClientWrite', 'SocketClientRead', 'SocketClientReadToEnd', 'SocketClientReadToDelimiter', 'SocketClientReadToCount', 'SocketClientPrintData', 'SocketClientClearData' and 'SocketClientDisconnect' Functions, Make your own Socket Requests Directly and Totally Customized/Managed. - Added 'Bytes' and 'ArrayCopy' Functions, Create Byte Arrays and manage them. - Added 'GenerateAESKey' Function, Generate RFC2898 AES Keys. - Added 'CallIf' Function, Call/Execute Another function and return the value if the Provided Condition matched. - Added 'StringFormat' and 'ToString' Functions, Google "C# String.Format" and "C# ToString" for more info. - Added 'GetDateTime' Function, Returns the Current Date/Time or Provided Timestamp's Date/Time. - Added Support for Getting Provided Date/Time UnixTime to the 'UnixTime' Function. - Added 'RemoveDuplicates' Function, Remove Duplicate Words/Specific Words or Lines of the Provided String. - Added 'List' and 'ListAdd' Functions, Represents C# System.Collections.Generic.List object. - Added 'Dictionary' and 'DictionaryAdd' Functions, Represents C# System.Collections.Generic object. - Added 'HashTable' and 'HashTableAdd' Functions, Represents C# System.Collections.Hashtable object. - Added 'KeyValuePair' Function, Represents C# KeyValuePair object, Can be used to Add Items to Dictionaries and HashTables and more. - Added 'MultiPartFormDataContent' and 'FileParameter' Functions, Generate MultiPartFormData, Also supports File Parameter. Returns a Byte Array (byte[]) - Added 'GetItemAt' and 'SetItemAt' Functions, Get and Set Items to Lists/HashTables/Arrays and Dictionaries at Specific index/key. - Added 'SimpleJsonWriter' Function, Returns Json Text by providing HashTable. - Added 'FromCharCode' Function, Converts Unicode values into characters. - Added 'JavascriptStringEncode' and 'JavaScriptStringDecode' Functions. - Added 'Contains', 'NotContains', 'EqualEx' and 'NotEqualEx' Functions, Compare Several Strings to the Source with one function. - Added Support For HmacSHA224 Hash Generation. - Added Support for Bytes input types for the "PBKDF2-HMAC" function. - Added Support for Bytes Input types for the "HMAC" Function. - Added Support for Hex output of "GetString" Function. - Added Support for Specifying The Encoding in 'URLEncode'/'URLDecode' Functions. - Added 'Play Sound On Hits' Feature, You can also change the sound to what you want. (Separated for each worker). - Added and Used New Powerful List Controls that makes you to also Filter Items in like a boss by Microsoft Excel's ways. - Added 'DeepSkip' General Config Option, 'DeepSkip = True' will Also Skip the Variable Execution and The Conditions of The Skipped Stages, Default is False. - Used a new Encryption key for Encrypted Configs (Old Encrypted Configs are still usable) - Fixed FTP Configs cannot be run with 2 or more threads. - Fixed "Delete Worker" button was not disposing/releasing some resources. - Fixed The Start button is not doing anything because of the invalid chars in "HitsFolderName" (Removes invalid chars from "HitsFolderName"). - Fixed Configs was not being loaded if you opened STORM via Start menu. - Fixed 'Copy All' and 'Save All' Buttons now Get the Items from Database to not be limited to the Max. List items (1000). - Fixed Delete Worker button now Disposes Objects. - Fixed GetBytes / GetString minor issue with the Destination/Source Encoding. - Removed 'JsonSerialize' Function. [update] Compilations 345 Configs all working / shoping / gaming / music / streaming/ it's working very good Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fabifel 0 ✩ Version[2019] ✩ - Mejoras de rendimiento / MVVM. - Se agregó la Lista de Donantes en una nueva página para apreciarlos. - Se agregó soporte para resolver diferentes tipos de captchas por diferentes servicios / herramientas de resolución de captcha, haga su propia configuración de solucionador de captcha y resuelva captchas utilizando simplemente la función 'Captcha' en la configuración principal. - Se agregó soporte para cargar una lista de cuentas para la configuración del solucionador de Captcha, cargar una gran cantidad de cuentas para que no se detenga en una cuenta de saldo bajo. - Se agregó soporte para poner un asterisco (*) en lugar de números en las teclas de configuración variable. NOTA: Los órdenes de línea de Variables son importantes ya que no leen las variables por los números ordenados. Las variables numeradas todavía son compatibles. - Se agregó soporte para poner Byte Array (byte []) en PostContent. - Se agregó la tecla 'Tipo' para las etapas y admite los tipos 'Socket' y 'HttpImageOnly', las etapas con el tipo 'Socket' no enviarán ninguna solicitud automáticamente por sí misma y las etapas con 'HttpImageOnly' y la variable 'StageXXResponseImage' se usa para recibir una Imagen y obtener sus bytes dentro de una solicitud HTTP / s. - Se agregaron las palabras clave 'For' y 'While', lo mismo que C #, recorra las variables y funciones / códigos tanto como desee. - Se agregó 'Vista avanzada' para los registros de depuración, lo que le permite usar el resaltado de sintaxis / buscar texto / HTML Viewer. - Se agregó la función 'Detener' para poder detener la configuración / etapa de depuración. - Añadida la función 'Captcha'. - Se agregó la función 'GenerateOAuth', Generar líneas de encabezado OAuth y firmas. - Se agregaron las funciones 'Aleatorio' y 'Aleatorio', Generar números / cadenas aleatorios / Agentes / Usuario-Agentes / Dispositivos de dispositivos / Bytes y encabezados de PURE y barajar las líneas. - Se agregó la función 'Invocar', Invocar diferentes métodos de diferentes tipos directamente. - Se agregó la función 'GetPropertyValue', Obtiene un valor de propiedad específico del tipo de variable de entrada. - Se agregó la función 'Convertir', devuelve un objeto de un tipo específico cuyo valor es equivalente a un objeto especificado. - Se agregaron 'SocketClient', 'SocketClientWrite', 'SocketClientRead', 'SocketClientReadToEnd', 'SocketClientReadToDelimiter', 'SocketClientReadToCount', 'SocketClientPrintData', 'SocketClientClearData' and 'SocketClient - Se agregaron las funciones 'Bytes' y 'ArrayCopy', crear matrices de bytes y administrarlas. - Se agregó la función 'GenerateAESKey', Generate RFC2898 AES Keys. - Se agregó la función 'CallIf', Call / Execute Another function y devuelve el valor si la condición proporcionada coincide. - Se agregaron las funciones 'StringFormat' y 'ToString', Google "C # String.Format" y "C # ToString" para obtener más información. - Se agregó la función 'GetDateTime', devuelve la Fecha / Hora actual o la Fecha / Hora de la marca de tiempo proporcionada. - Se agregó soporte para obtener la fecha / hora de UnixTime en la función 'UnixTime'. - Se agregó la función 'Eliminar duplicados', Eliminar palabras duplicadas / Palabras o líneas específicas de la cadena proporcionada. - Añadida 'Lista' y ' - Se agregaron las funciones 'Diccionario' y 'DiccionarioAgregar, Representa C # System.Collections.Generic object. - Se agregaron las funciones 'HashTable' y 'HashTableAdd', Representa C # System.Collections.Hashtable object. - Se agregó la función 'KeyValuePair', representa el objeto KeyValuePair de C #, se puede usar para agregar elementos a los diccionarios y las tablas de hash y más. - Se agregaron las funciones 'MultiPartFormDataContent' y 'FileParameter', Generate MultiPartFormData, también admite Parámetros de archivo. Devuelve una matriz de bytes (byte []) : se agregaron las funciones 'GetItemAt' y 'SetItemAt', obtener y establecer elementos en listas / hash / tablas / arrays y diccionarios en un índice / clave específico. - Se agregó la función 'SimpleJsonWriter', devuelve Json Text proporcionando HashTable. - Se agregó la función 'FromCharCode', convierte los valores Unicode en caracteres. - Se agregaron las funciones 'JavascriptStringEncode' y 'JavaScriptStringDecode'. - Se agregaron las funciones 'Contiene', 'NotContains', 'EqualEx' y 'NotEqualEx', comparar varias cadenas con la fuente con una función. - Añadido soporte para HmacSHA224 Hash Generation. - Se agregó soporte para tipos de entrada de bytes para la función "PBKDF2-HMAC". - Se agregó soporte para tipos de entrada de bytes para la función "HMAC". - Se agregó soporte para la salida hexadecimal de la función "GetString". - Se agregó soporte para especificar la codificación en las funciones 'URLEncode' / 'URLDecode'. - Añadida la función 'Play Sound On Hits', También puedes cambiar el sonido a lo que quieras. (Separado por cada trabajador). - Se agregaron y usaron nuevos controles de lista poderosos que hacen que también filtre elementos como un jefe de la manera de Microsoft Excel. - Se agregó la opción de configuración general 'DeepSkip', 'DeepSkip = True' también omitirá la ejecución variable y las condiciones de las etapas omitidas, el valor predeterminado es False. - Se usó una nueva clave de cifrado para las configuraciones cifradas (las configuraciones cifradas antiguas aún se pueden utilizar) - Las configuraciones FTP fijas no se pueden ejecutar con 2 o más subprocesos. - Se corrigió el botón "Eliminar trabajador" que no disponía / liberaba algunos recursos. - Solucionado El botón de Inicio no hace nada debido a los caracteres no válidos en "HitsFolderName" (Elimina los caracteres no válidos de "HitsFolderName"). - Las configuraciones fijas no se estaban cargando si abría STORM a través del menú Inicio. - Se corrigieron los botones 'Copiar todo' y 'Guardar todo' ahora que los elementos de la base de datos no se limitan al máximo. Lista de artículos (1000). - Arreglado el botón Eliminar trabajador ahora Deshace objetos. - Solucionado el problema menor GetBytes / GetString con la codificación de destino / fuente. - Eliminada la función 'JsonSerialize'. [Actualización] Compilaciones 345 Configura todos los trabajos / compras / juegos / música / transmisión / Gracias probando probando :fiesta: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VanCandy 0 Time to check for some nice configs :D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mohannadx12 0 ✩ Version [2019]✩ - Performance/MVVM Improvements. - Added Donors List in a new page to appreciate them. - Added Support for Solving Different type of Captchas by Different Captcha Solving Services/Tools, Make your Own Captcha Solver Config and Solve Captchas By just Using 'Captcha' Function in the main config. - Added Support for Loading an Account List for the Captcha Solver Config, Load Bulk of Accounts to not get stopped for a low-balance account. - Added Support for Putting an Asterisk (*) instead of Numbers in Variable- Config keys. NOTE: The line orders of Variables matters as it don't read variables by the ordered numbers. Numbered Variables are still supported. - Added Support for putting Byte Array (byte[]) In PostContent. - Added 'Type' key for Stages and supports 'Socket' and 'HttpImageOnly' types, Stages with 'Socket' Type will not Send Any Requests automatically by itself and Stages with 'HttpImageOnly' and the 'StageXXResponseImage' Variable is used to Recieve an Image and get it's bytes within an HTTP/s Request. - Added 'For' and 'While' Keywords, The same as C#, Loop through Variables and Functions/Codes as much as you want. - Added 'Advanced View' for Debug Logs, Makes you able to Use Syntax Highlight / Find Text / HTML Viewer. - Added 'Stop' feature to be able to Stop Running Debug Config/Stage. - Added 'Captcha' Function. - Added 'GenerateOAuth' Function, Generate OAuth Header Lines and Signatures. - Added 'Shuffle' and 'Random' Functions, Generate PURE Random Numbers/Strings/User-Agents/Device-Models/Bytes and Headers and Shuffle the lines. - Added 'Invoke' Function, Invoke different methods of different types directly. - Added 'GetPropertyValue' Function, Gets a specific property value of the Input Variable Type. - Added 'Convert' Function, Returns an object of a specified type whose value is equivalent to a specified object. - Added 'SocketClient', 'SocketClientWrite', 'SocketClientRead', 'SocketClientReadToEnd', 'SocketClientReadToDelimiter', 'SocketClientReadToCount', 'SocketClientPrintData', 'SocketClientClearData' and 'SocketClientDisconnect' Functions, Make your own Socket Requests Directly and Totally Customized/Managed. - Added 'Bytes' and 'ArrayCopy' Functions, Create Byte Arrays and manage them. - Added 'GenerateAESKey' Function, Generate RFC2898 AES Keys. - Added 'CallIf' Function, Call/Execute Another function and return the value if the Provided Condition matched. - Added 'StringFormat' and 'ToString' Functions, Google "C# String.Format" and "C# ToString" for more info. - Added 'GetDateTime' Function, Returns the Current Date/Time or Provided Timestamp's Date/Time. - Added Support for Getting Provided Date/Time UnixTime to the 'UnixTime' Function. - Added 'RemoveDuplicates' Function, Remove Duplicate Words/Specific Words or Lines of the Provided String. - Added 'List' and 'ListAdd' Functions, Represents C# System.Collections.Generic.List object. - Added 'Dictionary' and 'DictionaryAdd' Functions, Represents C# System.Collections.Generic object. - Added 'HashTable' and 'HashTableAdd' Functions, Represents C# System.Collections.Hashtable object. - Added 'KeyValuePair' Function, Represents C# KeyValuePair object, Can be used to Add Items to Dictionaries and HashTables and more. - Added 'MultiPartFormDataContent' and 'FileParameter' Functions, Generate MultiPartFormData, Also supports File Parameter. Returns a Byte Array (byte[]) - Added 'GetItemAt' and 'SetItemAt' Functions, Get and Set Items to Lists/HashTables/Arrays and Dictionaries at Specific index/key. - Added 'SimpleJsonWriter' Function, Returns Json Text by providing HashTable. - Added 'FromCharCode' Function, Converts Unicode values into characters. - Added 'JavascriptStringEncode' and 'JavaScriptStringDecode' Functions. - Added 'Contains', 'NotContains', 'EqualEx' and 'NotEqualEx' Functions, Compare Several Strings to the Source with one function. - Added Support For HmacSHA224 Hash Generation. - Added Support for Bytes input types for the "PBKDF2-HMAC" function. - Added Support for Bytes Input types for the "HMAC" Function. - Added Support for Hex output of "GetString" Function. - Added Support for Specifying The Encoding in 'URLEncode'/'URLDecode' Functions. - Added 'Play Sound On Hits' Feature, You can also change the sound to what you want. (Separated for each worker). - Added and Used New Powerful List Controls that makes you to also Filter Items in like a boss by Microsoft Excel's ways. - Added 'DeepSkip' General Config Option, 'DeepSkip = True' will Also Skip the Variable Execution and The Conditions of The Skipped Stages, Default is False. - Used a new Encryption key for Encrypted Configs (Old Encrypted Configs are still usable) - Fixed FTP Configs cannot be run with 2 or more threads. - Fixed "Delete Worker" button was not disposing/releasing some resources. - Fixed The Start button is not doing anything because of the invalid chars in "HitsFolderName" (Removes invalid chars from "HitsFolderName"). - Fixed Configs was not being loaded if you opened STORM via Start menu. - Fixed 'Copy All' and 'Save All' Buttons now Get the Items from Database to not be limited to the Max. List items (1000). - Fixed Delete Worker button now Disposes Objects. - Fixed GetBytes / GetString minor issue with the Destination/Source Encoding. - Removed 'JsonSerialize' Function. [update] Compilations 345 Configs all working / shoping / gaming / music / streaming/ tytytytyty Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dogumarata 1 omagad i miss stormcso much thanks Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vinaydpati 0 ✩ Version [2019]✩ - Performance/MVVM Improvements. - Added Donors List in a new page to appreciate them. - Added Support for Solving Different type of Captchas by Different Captcha Solving Services/Tools, Make your Own Captcha Solver Config and Solve Captchas By just Using 'Captcha' Function in the main config. - Added Support for Loading an Account List for the Captcha Solver Config, Load Bulk of Accounts to not get stopped for a low-balance account. - Added Support for Putting an Asterisk (*) instead of Numbers in Variable- Config keys. NOTE: The line orders of Variables matters as it don't read variables by the ordered numbers. Numbered Variables are still supported. - Added Support for putting Byte Array (byte[]) In PostContent. - Added 'Type' key for Stages and supports 'Socket' and 'HttpImageOnly' types, Stages with 'Socket' Type will not Send Any Requests automatically by itself and Stages with 'HttpImageOnly' and the 'StageXXResponseImage' Variable is used to Recieve an Image and get it's bytes within an HTTP/s Request. - Added 'For' and 'While' Keywords, The same as C#, Loop through Variables and Functions/Codes as much as you want. - Added 'Advanced View' for Debug Logs, Makes you able to Use Syntax Highlight / Find Text / HTML Viewer. - Added 'Stop' feature to be able to Stop Running Debug Config/Stage. - Added 'Captcha' Function. - Added 'GenerateOAuth' Function, Generate OAuth Header Lines and Signatures. - Added 'Shuffle' and 'Random' Functions, Generate PURE Random Numbers/Strings/User-Agents/Device-Models/Bytes and Headers and Shuffle the lines. - Added 'Invoke' Function, Invoke different methods of different types directly. - Added 'GetPropertyValue' Function, Gets a specific property value of the Input Variable Type. - Added 'Convert' Function, Returns an object of a specified type whose value is equivalent to a specified object. - Added 'SocketClient', 'SocketClientWrite', 'SocketClientRead', 'SocketClientReadToEnd', 'SocketClientReadToDelimiter', 'SocketClientReadToCount', 'SocketClientPrintData', 'SocketClientClearData' and 'SocketClientDisconnect' Functions, Make your own Socket Requests Directly and Totally Customized/Managed. - Added 'Bytes' and 'ArrayCopy' Functions, Create Byte Arrays and manage them. - Added 'GenerateAESKey' Function, Generate RFC2898 AES Keys. - Added 'CallIf' Function, Call/Execute Another function and return the value if the Provided Condition matched. - Added 'StringFormat' and 'ToString' Functions, Google "C# String.Format" and "C# ToString" for more info. - Added 'GetDateTime' Function, Returns the Current Date/Time or Provided Timestamp's Date/Time. - Added Support for Getting Provided Date/Time UnixTime to the 'UnixTime' Function. - Added 'RemoveDuplicates' Function, Remove Duplicate Words/Specific Words or Lines of the Provided String. - Added 'List' and 'ListAdd' Functions, Represents C# System.Collections.Generic.List object. - Added 'Dictionary' and 'DictionaryAdd' Functions, Represents C# System.Collections.Generic object. - Added 'HashTable' and 'HashTableAdd' Functions, Represents C# System.Collections.Hashtable object. - Added 'KeyValuePair' Function, Represents C# KeyValuePair object, Can be used to Add Items to Dictionaries and HashTables and more. - Added 'MultiPartFormDataContent' and 'FileParameter' Functions, Generate MultiPartFormData, Also supports File Parameter. Returns a Byte Array (byte[]) - Added 'GetItemAt' and 'SetItemAt' Functions, Get and Set Items to Lists/HashTables/Arrays and Dictionaries at Specific index/key. - Added 'SimpleJsonWriter' Function, Returns Json Text by providing HashTable. - Added 'FromCharCode' Function, Converts Unicode values into characters. - Added 'JavascriptStringEncode' and 'JavaScriptStringDecode' Functions. - Added 'Contains', 'NotContains', 'EqualEx' and 'NotEqualEx' Functions, Compare Several Strings to the Source with one function. - Added Support For HmacSHA224 Hash Generation. - Added Support for Bytes input types for the "PBKDF2-HMAC" function. - Added Support for Bytes Input types for the "HMAC" Function. - Added Support for Hex output of "GetString" Function. - Added Support for Specifying The Encoding in 'URLEncode'/'URLDecode' Functions. - Added 'Play Sound On Hits' Feature, You can also change the sound to what you want. (Separated for each worker). - Added and Used New Powerful List Controls that makes you to also Filter Items in like a boss by Microsoft Excel's ways. - Added 'DeepSkip' General Config Option, 'DeepSkip = True' will Also Skip the Variable Execution and The Conditions of The Skipped Stages, Default is False. - Used a new Encryption key for Encrypted Configs (Old Encrypted Configs are still usable) - Fixed FTP Configs cannot be run with 2 or more threads. - Fixed "Delete Worker" button was not disposing/releasing some resources. - Fixed The Start button is not doing anything because of the invalid chars in "HitsFolderName" (Removes invalid chars from "HitsFolderName"). - Fixed Configs was not being loaded if you opened STORM via Start menu. - Fixed 'Copy All' and 'Save All' Buttons now Get the Items from Database to not be limited to the Max. List items (1000). - Fixed Delete Worker button now Disposes Objects. - Fixed GetBytes / GetString minor issue with the Destination/Source Encoding. - Removed 'JsonSerialize' Function. [update] Compilations 345 Configs all working / shoping / gaming / music / streaming/ thanks :fiesta: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BigBoy12 0 ✩ Version [2019]✩ - Performance/MVVM Improvements. - Added Donors List in a new page to appreciate them. - Added Support for Solving Different type of Captchas by Different Captcha Solving Services/Tools, Make your Own Captcha Solver Config and Solve Captchas By just Using 'Captcha' Function in the main config. - Added Support for Loading an Account List for the Captcha Solver Config, Load Bulk of Accounts to not get stopped for a low-balance account. - Added Support for Putting an Asterisk (*) instead of Numbers in Variable- Config keys. NOTE: The line orders of Variables matters as it don't read variables by the ordered numbers. Numbered Variables are still supported. - Added Support for putting Byte Array (byte[]) In PostContent. - Added 'Type' key for Stages and supports 'Socket' and 'HttpImageOnly' types, Stages with 'Socket' Type will not Send Any Requests automatically by itself and Stages with 'HttpImageOnly' and the 'StageXXResponseImage' Variable is used to Recieve an Image and get it's bytes within an HTTP/s Request. - Added 'For' and 'While' Keywords, The same as C#, Loop through Variables and Functions/Codes as much as you want. - Added 'Advanced View' for Debug Logs, Makes you able to Use Syntax Highlight / Find Text / HTML Viewer. - Added 'Stop' feature to be able to Stop Running Debug Config/Stage. - Added 'Captcha' Function. - Added 'GenerateOAuth' Function, Generate OAuth Header Lines and Signatures. - Added 'Shuffle' and 'Random' Functions, Generate PURE Random Numbers/Strings/User-Agents/Device-Models/Bytes and Headers and Shuffle the lines. - Added 'Invoke' Function, Invoke different methods of different types directly. - Added 'GetPropertyValue' Function, Gets a specific property value of the Input Variable Type. - Added 'Convert' Function, Returns an object of a specified type whose value is equivalent to a specified object. - Added 'SocketClient', 'SocketClientWrite', 'SocketClientRead', 'SocketClientReadToEnd', 'SocketClientReadToDelimiter', 'SocketClientReadToCount', 'SocketClientPrintData', 'SocketClientClearData' and 'SocketClientDisconnect' Functions, Make your own Socket Requests Directly and Totally Customized/Managed. - Added 'Bytes' and 'ArrayCopy' Functions, Create Byte Arrays and manage them. - Added 'GenerateAESKey' Function, Generate RFC2898 AES Keys. - Added 'CallIf' Function, Call/Execute Another function and return the value if the Provided Condition matched. - Added 'StringFormat' and 'ToString' Functions, Google "C# String.Format" and "C# ToString" for more info. - Added 'GetDateTime' Function, Returns the Current Date/Time or Provided Timestamp's Date/Time. - Added Support for Getting Provided Date/Time UnixTime to the 'UnixTime' Function. - Added 'RemoveDuplicates' Function, Remove Duplicate Words/Specific Words or Lines of the Provided String. - Added 'List' and 'ListAdd' Functions, Represents C# System.Collections.Generic.List object. - Added 'Dictionary' and 'DictionaryAdd' Functions, Represents C# System.Collections.Generic object. - Added 'HashTable' and 'HashTableAdd' Functions, Represents C# System.Collections.Hashtable object. - Added 'KeyValuePair' Function, Represents C# KeyValuePair object, Can be used to Add Items to Dictionaries and HashTables and more. - Added 'MultiPartFormDataContent' and 'FileParameter' Functions, Generate MultiPartFormData, Also supports File Parameter. Returns a Byte Array (byte[]) - Added 'GetItemAt' and 'SetItemAt' Functions, Get and Set Items to Lists/HashTables/Arrays and Dictionaries at Specific index/key. - Added 'SimpleJsonWriter' Function, Returns Json Text by providing HashTable. - Added 'FromCharCode' Function, Converts Unicode values into characters. - Added 'JavascriptStringEncode' and 'JavaScriptStringDecode' Functions. - Added 'Contains', 'NotContains', 'EqualEx' and 'NotEqualEx' Functions, Compare Several Strings to the Source with one function. - Added Support For HmacSHA224 Hash Generation. - Added Support for Bytes input types for the "PBKDF2-HMAC" function. - Added Support for Bytes Input types for the "HMAC" Function. - Added Support for Hex output of "GetString" Function. - Added Support for Specifying The Encoding in 'URLEncode'/'URLDecode' Functions. - Added 'Play Sound On Hits' Feature, You can also change the sound to what you want. (Separated for each worker). - Added and Used New Powerful List Controls that makes you to also Filter Items in like a boss by Microsoft Excel's ways. - Added 'DeepSkip' General Config Option, 'DeepSkip = True' will Also Skip the Variable Execution and The Conditions of The Skipped Stages, Default is False. - Used a new Encryption key for Encrypted Configs (Old Encrypted Configs are still usable) - Fixed FTP Configs cannot be run with 2 or more threads. - Fixed "Delete Worker" button was not disposing/releasing some resources. - Fixed The Start button is not doing anything because of the invalid chars in "HitsFolderName" (Removes invalid chars from "HitsFolderName"). - Fixed Configs was not being loaded if you opened STORM via Start menu. - Fixed 'Copy All' and 'Save All' Buttons now Get the Items from Database to not be limited to the Max. List items (1000). - Fixed Delete Worker button now Disposes Objects. - Fixed GetBytes / GetString minor issue with the Destination/Source Encoding. - Removed 'JsonSerialize' Function. [update] Compilations 345 Configs all working / shoping / gaming / music / streaming/ Awesome m8 tyyyyyyyyfjfbf Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites