
How to SE Tile - Begginer/Noob Friendly

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Today I'm gonna show you how to SE Tile.


For anyone not knowing what Tile is, it's basically this:  A Bluetooth tracker for Keys, Wallet, and other important stuff you can often lose.


So, let's jump in the tutorial smile.png



1- Download the Tile app on your phone. The app is called "Tile", and it was made by "Tile Inc."

2- Make an account with a valid email.

3- Confirm your account (this is why you need a valid email)

4- You will have to enable Bluetooth and location (If you don't wanna use your location, go to a coffee shop or smth and enable it there)

5- Click add a Tile, and select the one you want to SE (this is actually optional, but I do it in case they log what you do. Yes, I'm paranoic)


Now to the SE part.


1- Go to, and you will see a blue button at the bottom right. Click on Live Support.

2- Put your name, and the email you used for registering your account on the phone.

3- Tell them your Tile isn't pairing with your phone.

4- Done wink.png

They will ask for your address to ship a replacement.


PS: Sometimes they will ask if the Tile makes a sound when you press the button. Tell them to wait a sec, and say no it doesn't.




Enjoy your free Tile smile.png



EDIT: I posted it in the wrong section. I'm moving it to Social Engineering > Tutorials

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Vouch for this method, user knows what he is talking about when it comes to SEing.

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Damn. Super HQ.

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