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trying to null this theme help!

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Hey guy's I'm stuck here... I've spent like 3 hours trying to null this theme, but no results yet :pepe: Name : ListingEasy Directory WordPress Theme :

<?phpfunction gt3_get_product_name (){    $product = 'ListingEasy Directory WordPress Theme';    return $product;}function gt3_registration($code = '',$action_type = 'register'){    if (empty($code)) {        $code = get_option( 'gt3_registration');    }    global $wp_version;    $product = gt3_get_product_name();    $my_theme = wp_get_theme();    $version = $my_theme->get( 'Version' );    $response = wp_remote_post('', array(        'user-agent' => 'WordPress/'.$wp_version.'; '.esc_url( home_url() ),        'sslverify' => false,        'body' => array(            'code' => urlencode(esc_attr($code)),            'action_type' => urlencode($action_type),            'version' => urlencode($version),            'product' => urlencode($product)        )    ));    $response_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response );    $version_info = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response );    if ( $response_code != 200 || is_wp_error( $version_info ) ) {        return json_encode(array("respond"=>"Registration Connection error"));    }    return $version_info;}function gt3_account_activation($code = '',$email = ''){    if (empty($code)) {        $code = get_option( 'gt3_registration');    }    global $wp_version;    $product = gt3_get_product_name();    $my_theme = wp_get_theme();    $version = $my_theme->get( 'Version' );    if (!empty($email) && function_exists('gt3_string_coding')) {            $response = wp_remote_request(''.urlencode(gt3_string_coding($code)).'&item='.urlencode(gt3_string_coding($product)).'&useremail=gt3themes'.urlencode(gt3_string_coding($email)), array(            'user-agent' => 'WordPress/'.$wp_version.'; '.esc_url( home_url() ),            'sslverify' => false,            'method' => 'POST',            'body' => array(                'code' => urlencode($code),                'version' => urlencode($version),                'product' => urlencode($product)            )        ));        $response_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response );        $version_info = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response );        if ( $response_code != 200 || is_wp_error( $version_info ) ) {            $errore_return = new WP_Error( 'registration-error-connection-error', esc_html__( 'Registration Connection error', 'listingeasy' ) );            return json_encode($errore_return);        }    }else{        $errore_return = new WP_Error( 'registration-error-invalid-email', esc_html__( 'Please provide a valid email address.', 'listingeasy' ) );        return json_encode($errore_return);    }    return $version_info;}function gt3_activation_check($code = '',$email = '',$check_is_linked = false){    if (empty($code)) {        $code = get_option( 'gt3_registration');    }    global $wp_version;    $product = gt3_get_product_name();    $my_theme = wp_get_theme();    $version = $my_theme->get( 'Version' );    if ((!empty($email) || $check_is_linked) && function_exists('gt3_string_coding')) {            $response = wp_remote_request(''.urlencode(gt3_string_coding($code)).'&item='.urlencode(gt3_string_coding($product)).'&useremail=gt3themes'.urlencode(gt3_string_coding($email)), array(            'user-agent' => 'WordPress/'.$wp_version.'; '.esc_url( home_url() ),            'method' => 'POST',            'sslverify' => false,            'body' => array(                'code' => urlencode($code),                'version' => urlencode($version),                'product' => urlencode($product)            )        ));        $response_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response );        $version_info = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response );        if ( $response_code != 200 || is_wp_error( $version_info ) ) {            $errore_return = new WP_Error( 'registration-error-connection-error', esc_html__( 'Registration Connection error', 'listingeasy' ) );            return json_encode($errore_return);        }    }else{        $errore_return = new WP_Error( 'registration-error-invalid-email', esc_html__( 'Please provide a valid email address.', 'listingeasy' ) );        return json_encode($errore_return);    }    return $version_info;}if (get_option( 'gt3_registration_status') != 'active' && class_exists( 'Gt3_wize_core' )) {    add_action( 'admin_notices', 'gt3_registration_notice' );}function gt3_get_support_time_left(){    $time_left = array();    $supported_until = get_option('gt3_registration_supported_until');    if (!empty($supported_until)) {                $date_format = get_option( 'date_format' );        $supported_until = strtotime($supported_until);        $current_time = current_time('timestamp');        $time_left['expired'] = false;        if (($supported_until - $current_time) < (3600 * 24 * 7)) {            $time_left['notice_srart'] = true;        }        if ($supported_until < $current_time) {            $time_left['expired'] = true;        }        $time_left['time_to_left'] = human_time_diff($supported_until, $current_time);        return $time_left;    }else{        return $time_left;      }}add_action( 'admin_print_styles', 'gt3_support_notice' );function gt3_support_notice(){       if (get_option('gt3_supported_notice_srart') == 'true' && class_exists( 'Gt3_wize_core' )) {        add_action( 'admin_notices', 'gt3_registration_notice_supported_until');    } }function gt3_registration_notice() {  ?>          
<?php esc_html_e( 'Purchase Validation! Please activate your theme.', 'listingeasy' ); ?>    <?php esc_html_e( 'Register Now', 'listingeasy' ); ?>  <?php esc_html_e( 'Buy Theme', 'listingeasy' ); ?>     <?php}function gt3_registration_notice_supported_until() {    $support_time_left = gt3_get_support_time_left();    if (!empty($support_time_left['notice_srart']) && $support_time_left['notice_srart']) {        $gt3_tmeme_id = get_option( 'gt3_tmeme_id' );        if (!empty($gt3_tmeme_id)) {            $theme_link = ''.(int)$gt3_tmeme_id.'?license=regular&size=source&support=renew_6month';        }else{            $theme_link = '';        }  ?>                    
<?php         if (!empty($support_time_left['expired']) && $support_time_left['expired'] == true) {            esc_html_e( 'Your support package for this theme expired', 'listingeasy' ); ?><?php echo " ( ".$support_time_left['time_to_left']." ".esc_html( 'ago', 'listingeasy' )." ).";        }else{            esc_html_e( 'Your support package for this theme is about to expire', 'listingeasy' ); ?><?php echo " ( ".$support_time_left['time_to_left']." ".esc_html( 'left', 'listingeasy' )." ).";         }             ?>        <?php esc_html_e( 'Update Support Package', 'listingeasy' ); ?>  <?php esc_html_e( 'Dismiss this notice', 'listingeasy' ); ?>       <?php    }}add_action( 'wp_loaded', 'gt3_hide_hotice' );function gt3_hide_hotice (){    if ( isset( $_GET['gt3-hide-notice'] ) && isset( $_GET['_gt3_notice_nonce'] ) ) {        if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_GET['_gt3_notice_nonce'], 'gt3_hide_notices_nonce' ) ) {            wp_die( __( 'Action failed. Please refresh the page and retry.', 'listingeasy' ) );        }        $hide_notice = sanitize_text_field( $_GET['gt3-hide-notice'] );        update_option( 'gt3_supported_'.$hide_notice , 'false' );    }}if (get_option('gt3_supported_account_notice_srart') != 'false'     && get_option( 'gt3_registration_status') == 'active'     && class_exists( 'Gt3_wize_core' )     && get_option( 'gt3_account_attached' ) != 'true') {    add_action( 'admin_notices', 'gt3_account_notice' );}function gt3_account_notice(){        ?>      
<?php esc_html_e( 'Create account and manage your theme purchase codes.', 'listingeasy' ) ?>    
<?php esc_html_e( 'Register Now', 'listingeasy' ); ?> |  <?php esc_html_e( 'Dismiss this notice', 'listingeasy' ); ?>    <?php}//  Autoupdate themefunction gt3_check_theme_update ( $transient ){    $slug = 'listingeasy';    global $wp_version;    if ( empty( $transient->checked ) || empty( $transient->checked[ $slug ] ) || ! empty( $transient->response[ $slug ] ) ) {        return $transient;    }        $product = gt3_get_product_name();    $purchase_code = gt3_option('gt3_registration_id');    if (is_array($purchase_code)) {        $purchase_code = $purchase_code['puchase_code'];    }    $response = wp_remote_post('', array(        'user-agent' => 'WordPress/'.$wp_version.'; '.esc_url( home_url() ),        'sslverify' => false,        'body' => array(            'code' => urlencode($purchase_code),            'slug' => urlencode($slug),            'product' => urlencode($product)        )    ));    $response_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response );    $version_info = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response );        if ( $response_code != 200 || is_wp_error( $version_info ) ) {        return $transient;    }    $response = json_decode($version_info,true);    if (isset( $response['transient'] ) && !empty( $response['transient']['changelog'])) {        global $wp_version;        $my_theme = wp_get_theme();        $version = $my_theme->get( 'Version' );        $gt3_changelog = get_option( 'gt3_changelog' );        if (!empty($gt3_changelog) && is_array($gt3_changelog) && !empty($gt3_changelog[$slug])) {            if (version_compare( $gt3_changelog[$slug]['changelog_version'], $response['transient']['new_version'], '<')) {                $gt3_changelog[$slug]['changelog_version'] = $response['transient']['new_version'];                $gt3_changelog[$slug]['content'] = gt3_modify_changelog($response['transient']['changelog']);                update_option( 'gt3_changelog' , $gt3_changelog);            }                   }else{            $gt3_changelog = array();            $gt3_changelog[$slug]['changelog_version'] = $response['transient']['new_version'];            $gt3_changelog[$slug]['content'] = gt3_modify_changelog($response['transient']['changelog']);            update_option( 'gt3_changelog' , $gt3_changelog);        }    }     if ( isset( $response['allow_update'] ) && $response['allow_update'] && isset( $response['transient'] )     && version_compare( $transient->checked[ $slug ], $response['transient']['new_version'], '<') ) {        $transient->response[ $slug ] = (array) $response['transient'];    }    return $transient;}if (gt3_option('gt3_auto_update')) {    add_action( 'pre_set_site_transient_update_themes', 'gt3_check_theme_update', 100 );}function gt3_modify_changelog($content){    if (!empty($content)) {        $pattern = array(            '/(\*\*\*)(.+)(\*\*\*)/',                                '/(\=\=)(.+)(\=\=)/',            '/(\*)/'        );        $replace = array('${2}','${2}','▪');        $content = preg_replace($pattern,$replace,$content);        return $content;    }else{        return;    }}

if someone can help me out i'll sent some btc  :fiesta:  :fiesta:  :fiesta:

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