
Marketplace Rules Suggestions ?

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With the increasing number of sellers coming to Cracked , its perhaps time to set some marketplace rules. 


Requirements to receive a Vouch Copy. 


Perhaps in order to justify how good a product is / whether the seller is trustable , Vouch Copies are given to TRUSTED (GIB Trusted Award Pl0x :kek: ) people only. Not just anyone can get it  :pepe: . It will not serve a purpose then isnt it.  :fuck: Or perhaps even before sales , admins can just receive a copy of the product to test it out and provide their reviews before even allowing sale of the product  :hype:



Middleman service


In order to reduce the probability of scams occuring for large amounts  (Unless you are @cali who scams $18  :kek: )  , a middleman service can be provided with the help of the Mods etc. % is up for that person to decide  :feelsgood: 



.. Just some personal thoughts that maybe it's time for the forum to become more systematic  :hype:

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There are already such rules :kek:

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