EliteEmper0r 43 This was posted on the storm thought to share it here [hide]Please forgive me for what I am about to do. What you need 2Captcha Account w/ Balance Site w/ Recaptcha I prefer you to use 2Captcha instead of AntiCaptcha or others because from my experience, AntiCaptcha is super strict on proxies. The bare minimum to get the recaptcha response is Two Stages Below is the ideal format for Stage-1 SPOILER: STAGE-1 Condition = Any Link = http://2captcha.com/in.php?key=&method=userrecaptcha&googlekey=&pageurl= //You have to get this information yourself. You can find more information on in 2Captcha API Docs isFTP = False HTTPVersion = 1.1 FollowRedirect = False HTTPRequestMethod = POST Timeout = 30 Headers = User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.140 Safari/537.36 Edge/17.17134 Variable-1 = $ProxySend= CombineText("proxy=", $ProxyIP#, ":", $ProxyPort#, "&proxytype=", $ProxyType#) //This will send the proxy, if you use one. Don't worry if you don't use one it will still work PostContent = $ProxySend# Variable-2 = $GoodForTaskResult = IndexOf($Stage1ResponseHeader#, "X-Powered-By: HPHP") //I made this key so that we know we are good to go to on to Stage-2 Variable-3 = $TaskId = FindTagVal($Stage1ResponseSource#, "|", "") //This is to get the Task ID of the captcha. The response source looks like OK|123456789 where the numbers are the TaskID Variable-4 = $ProxyBan = FindTagVal($Stage1ResponseSource#, "errorIdchr(double quotes):", "chr(Comma)") //A proxy ban key to prevent a shit ton of unknowns and errors Practically Stage-1 is universal so I would copy and paste it and replace certain things and get rid of my comments Ideal format for Stage-2 SPOILER: STAGE-2 Variable-1 = $Sleep = Sleep(60000) //Very important. Usually for 2Captcha, you need to wait around a minute to get the captcha response. You may change this based on the average waiting time the site gives for recaptcha. The time is in milliseconds Condition = $GoodForTaskResult# > 0 Variable-2 = $Link = CombineText("http://2captcha.com/res.php?key=&action=get&id=", $TaskId#) Link = $Link# isFTP = False HTTPVersion = 1.1 FollowRedirect = False HTTPRequestMethod = GET Timeout = 30 Headers = User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.140 Safari/537.36 Edge/17.17134 Variable-3 = $GoodResponse = IndexOf($Stage2ResponseSource#, "OK") Variable-4 = $CaptchaResponse = If(($GoodResponse# >= 0), FindTagVal($Stage2ResponseSource#, "|", ""), "") //Just another protection for pad proxies. The response of a good source is OK|RecaptchaResponse you can learn more about it in 2Captcha API Docs Variable-5 = $CaptchaNotReady = IndexOf($Stage2ResponseSource#, "CAPCHA_NOT_READY") //This will be retry key because sometimes 1 minute is not enough You can also directly copy and paste this if you want. Below are the conditions I would put at the very bottom of my config once I'm done with everything. These conditions only cover for what might be needed in getting the recaptcha response. Ban-Condition = $ProxyBan# >= 0 || Len($Stage1ResponseSource#) <= 0 Retry-Condition = $CaptchaRetry# >= 0 || $CaptchaNotReady# >= 0 Here are the the 2 stages together SPOILER: FINAL Code [stage-1] Condition = Any Link = http://2captcha.com/in.php?key=<2CAPTCHA KEY>&method=userrecaptcha&googlekey=&pageurl= isFTP = False HTTPVersion = 1.1 FollowRedirect = False HTTPRequestMethod = POST Timeout = 30 Headers = User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.140 Safari/537.36 Edge/17.17134 Variable-1 = $CaptchaSend = CombineText("proxy=", $ProxyIP#, ":", $ProxyPort#, "&proxytype=", $ProxyType#) PostContent = $CaptchaSend# Variable-2 = $GoodForTaskResult = IndexOf($Stage1ResponseHeader#, "X-Powered-By: HPHP") Variable-3 = $TaskId = FindTagVal($Stage1ResponseSource#, "|", "") Variable-4 = $ProxyBan = FindTagVal($Stage1ResponseSource#, "errorIdchr(double quotes):", "chr(Comma)") [stage-2] Variable-1 = $Sleep = Sleep(60000) Condition = $GoodForTaskResult# > 0 Variable-2 = $Link = CombineText("http://2captcha.com/res.php?key=<2CAPTCHA KEY>&action=get&id=", $TaskId#) Link = $Link# isFTP = False HTTPVersion = 1.1 FollowRedirect = False HTTPRequestMethod = GET Timeout = 30 Headers = User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.140 Safari/537.36 Edge/17.17134 Variable-3 = $GoodResponse = IndexOf($Stage2ResponseSource#, "OK") Variable-4 = $CaptchaResponse = If(($GoodResponse# >= 0), FindTagVal($Stage2ResponseSource#, "|", ""), "") Variable-5 = $CaptchaNotReady = IndexOf($Stage2ResponseSource#, "CAPCHA_NOT_READY") Ban-Condition = $ProxyBan# >= 0 || Len($Stage1ResponseSource#) <= 0 Retry-Condition = $CaptchaRetry# >= 0 || $CaptchaNotReady# >= 0 After getting the RecaptchaResponse, just go on as you normally would in making a config except use $CaptchaResponse# in the post request. Granted this will be slow, but you can change the Sleep time or find another captcha solving service as the process is very simple. Original Thread: https://thestorm.app/community/threads/storm-how-to-make-recaptcha-configs.983/ :pupper: In Need Of Accounts? Check My sig :kek: SHOW ME GREEN :hype: FUCK OFF LEECHERS :pepegun: [/hide] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hiban989 0 This was posted on the storm thought to share it here Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mc0d3 3 This is another thing to have okay so let us go 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pikaz 2 This was posted on the storm thought to share it here thanks for sharing.good man :pepegun: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
decrypt3d 0 another thing to have okay so let us go Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iTzKingsCreek 2 Thank You! Was looking for this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
naman 1 https://www.upload.ee/files/8919207/YouTube_Bots.zip.html Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites