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I don't know if this has been posted before or not but here is a FORTNITE email change method


It is for all those who are into cracking and want to change email and also for those who have made an email mistake.







First, Go to this url link:



Select your language and complete the captcha to prove you're not a robot, beep boop.


[align=left]Enter your name, an email that you have access to that they will contact you on, your gaming platform (PC/Xbox/PS4), your game mode (Battle Royale), your issue (Update Account Info), and your sub-issue (Email Address Change).



Once you do that, it'll ask you to type a message explaining your issue. Explain to them that the email on your account has been hacked or you typed it in wrong when creating it. If you say you typed it in wrong, create an email on the same domain, or a new one, but tweaking it slightly by one letter or number. This email you create is the email you'll want to enter as the contact email epic games asks for above.


Epic Games | Support Center Support




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Example 1: I accidentally put on my account when I signed up, but I didn't notice I typed it in wrong until I tried to sign in and link it to another gaming platform. My email is actually




Example 2: I signed up for epic games x amount of weeks/months ago and thought I entered the right email when I did. I put in the email, not realizing that isn't my correct email. The correct email I'd like to put on my account is




Example 3: Pretty much the same explanations as above, but different emails again. I used the email gamingforever123@, but I missed a number and the email I have access to and use for everything is




Word it a little differently so they don't instantly deny or disregard your request. Don't worry about attaching a file. It's optional, but unnecessary. 




Once you've done all that, send your email in. You should receive a reply within a week or two. Most people on-site say 2-3 days. This is if you're lucky. It took me a week exactly to get a response, and 2 weeks for others I've asked. When they email you back, it's possible they might only ask you for the 4 things listed at the beginning of the post to verify your account. They may ask you for all of this bullshit, however.




You can find your Epic display name by signing into with the credentials of the linked account (PC, Xbox, PS4, etc) and go to your account page. 




To find your Epic Account ID, open Fortnite on the system to which it's linked and go to your game settings. Go all the way to the last setting tab on the right and it should show a long string of letters and numbers. This is the Epic ID you'll need to provide. 



The rest is self explanatory. Good luck, I hope you are all assisted and get your emails changed.





Good luck cracking Fortnite accounts!  :pepo:


Do leave a Like if it helped you  :hype:

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is this by conacting epic? if its not will give like :D

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Ohh thx ..... too much useful

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i saw this on jkshop.

Btw thank you so much for leeching <3

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thanks homie

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kiki do you love me

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Ik weet niet of dit eerder is geplaatst of niet, maar hier is een FORTNITE e-mailwijzigingsmethode


Het is voor al diegenen die gek worden en die e-mail willen veranderen en ook voor degenen die een e-mailfout hebben gemaakt.


[align=center]GENIET VAN





Veel succes met het kraken van Fortnite-accounts!  :pepo:



Laat een Like achter als het je heeft geholpen  :hype:



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if this isnt with support will like the post


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I don't know if this has been posted before or not but here is a FORTNITE email change method


It is for all those who are into cracking and want to change email and also for those who have made an email mistake.







Good luck cracking Fortnite accounts!  :pepo:



Do leave a Like if it helped you  :hype:




damnn if it works

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I don't know if this has been posted before or not but here is a FORTNITE email change method


It is for all those who are into cracking and want to change email and also for those who have made an email mistake.







Good luck cracking Fortnite accounts!  :pepo:



Do leave a Like if it helped you  :hype:



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Hoping this isnt the old method thanks any how

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I don't know if this has been posted before or not but here is a FORTNITE email change method


It is for all those who are into cracking and want to change email and also for those who have made an email mistake.







Good luck cracking Fortnite accounts!  :pepo:



Do leave a Like if it helped you  :hype:



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