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>>Amazon 2018 MASSIVE SE Tips<<

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Here are some handy tips if you're doing any sort of SE via chat or phone on Amazon US, UK, DE, FR and ES. There were a lot of changes pushed down the line after a ridiculous trend in recent times. It was a case where they were getting SEs ever third contact which has finally pissed of enough higher-ups to such a degree that I have these tips! 





[align=center]--1-- Try an SE when there are new hires, much better rate of success. They're clueless and easy. Many are there only temps so they don't care. October and early Nov is best time. 


--2-- SE from Feb - Sept will be more difficult and higher chance of getting caught since anyone left there is usually a long-timer. Any new-hires and temps will have left and anyone remaining will spot an SE a mile away. They use term "Concession Abuse" and you're just a click or drop down menu away from trouble. 


--3-- Be nice to an agent, click that Yes button after every call or chat which helps reinforce their willingness to refund or replace for you. 


--4-- Don't use lame excuses. Recently these are heard 10-20 times a day by each agent (since there's been a huge increase in SE) and they make it that much easier to report you. Being overly sad or overly unhappy is bad. Saying "Oh my mother died, and I'm even more upset that the Amazon box was empty" is just a trigger for the "report concession abuse" button to any CS agent. Come up with something original


--5-- Don't pester an agent when they're working on your refund or replacement and stop your excuses the moment they say they are. 


--6-- Don't keep disconnecting and reconnecting. Anything more than 5 or 10 times in a 24 hour period is now being detected and you'll be easily profiled from that point on (bad connection excuse doesn't work). Didn't get the agent you want, disconnect and try again, but keep below that limit. CIS and every CS you contact can see how many times you disconnected a call or chat. 


--7-- Did you try an SE and disconnect when you were concerned an agent reported you? Tough luck, try connecting and looking for another agent only raises the number of reports against you.

Buy a few more low value items, get them delivered without issue and try again a few days/weeks later, you should be OK. 


--8-- Something look suspicious and need to disconnect. Say that something has come up, or "I need to go back to work" or some other excuse. Don't just disconnect. If you get a Yes No responder email. Click the Yes. The agent will be happy and ignore you. Click the No and you'll piss off someone and get yourself reported[/align]


[align=center]Check for known CS names. Other guys have great lists for you to read containing agent names to use and to avoid. Use them, but be careful. There are thousands of employees at Amazon and lots with the same name. 


--11-- If you're in the UK with any carrier delivery (in LA, Seattle, Columbia in US) or a UPS delivery in EU, India or HongKong and an agent mentions Video, CCTV, X-rays, photos or mentions "ARI" "CIS" "LM" "Loss Management" or "external team/company" it's time to give up pushing. End the call. This may also affect other countries very soon. Might be best to abandon that account and move to your next. 


--12-- Never ever piss off an agent. If you annoy anyone you're just one click away from a report button and it's no skin of any agents nose. 


--13-- Never ask for a supervisor, manager, etc. Those guys know what they're doing, they've been with Amazon way over a year They can spot a faker if an ordinary agent can't. 


--14--Done an SE before, even on a different account? Be careful. There are new ways of spotting you and if you have been, your call/chat is routed to someone who acts like an agent, but works in a special new team (since about Nov 2015). They'll indulge you only to get you caught in a serious policy legal way (very rare, but you'll be seeing more over 2016) Visiting Amazon or contacting them via Chat? Avoidwell known VPN providers. Better off just change your Modem/router IP (various ways, each ISP is different) 


--15-- Calling? use a burner, call box or a friends phone. If in Sweden or Turkey, never use a mobile or your own landline phone. If anywhere else, be sure you don't register your dets with phone provider. 


--16-- Never ever use lockers for delivery. For that matter, avoid your own address if you're extra paranoid. 


--17-- Don't try SE by email. Agents will have a looooot more time to read and analyse your excuse and consider reporting you. 


--18-- Don't ask if you'll get a confirmation email to confirm your refund. They do that anyway and if you ask, you've now just profiled yourself. 


--19-- NEVER ever click the "No I didn't help" button after a chat, call or email. By doing that, you generate a complaint which is instantly sent to Escalations or Executive and you'll have a manager poking at all the holes in your account and related accounts. Not happy? just don;t click anything and re contact the next agent or move along to a new account.


--20-- FINALLY THE BIG ONE. It's time to give up on PS4, Xbox, iPhones, Samsung S6 and S7, MacBooks, ipads and Lego. Those were the top reported losses for 2015 and management are pushing down hard new ways to catch ya. Seriously the numbers on those were ridiculous as if every second contact was thinking the same thing. Even if legit, those accounts are watched for months after. Too risky, even if you think you've gotten away with it for a few months or even a year, you haven't seen the case files being built against certain individuals and when you're caught you'll have a hard time telling us from a jail cell 

Try mid-high value watches, semi popular tech like LG phones, HTC phones and tablets are safe for the foreseeable future. Intel CPUs and Nvidia GPUs might be OK for another two or three months [/align]




[align=center]Don't be a leecher YOU know what to do to SUPPORT me.


:ezy: [/align]

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Okey man what is thread

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been doing se for a while..let see if i can get new tips and trick here

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Here are some handy tips if you're doing any sort of SE via chat or phone on Amazon US, UK, DE, FR and ES. There were a lot of changes pushed down the line after a ridiculous trend in recent times. It was a case where they were getting SEs ever third contact which has finally pissed of enough higher-ups to such a degree that I have these tips! 





[align=center]Don't be a leecher YOU know what to do to SUPPORT me.


:ezy: [/align]



you ae really great

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