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GameMaker Studio Crack problem

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hay guys first sorry about my poor language.

so I downloaded GameMaker Studio Cracked this is an engine for making 2D games and this version is a newest version that released. so if we want crack it we have 2 file  :


- GMAssetCompiler.exe

- Igor.exe


these r runtime files must be replace to main runtime files.

but ! Version of these file is old ( , its work but GMS have new functions so when i want to use those functions I get error:


-> unknown function or script 


because version off crack files is and i need to crack files as I say its work but for new functions I get error.

so I have "crack" files and I have "normal" files and I really don't know about cracking stuff! I just need help to someone checking the newer version and checking the crack version then do crack stuff as same on newer version for me if anyone can help and do  this for me I really appreciate that,Thank You!


Normal files (new version) : Link

Crack Files (old version) : Link

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