DonXirus 7 Welcome everyone, today we will be discussing; |Dorks targeted|. First, As you already know, dorks are the key to good cracking with SQLi, v3n0m & other scanners our tutorial today will answer a mysterious question asked by several crackers, why I used steam dorks, but my combos is not for the steam or at least for gaming ? the answer is this, you did not use the best order for your dorks, or in another way, you did not use the right combination. Our dorks for this tutorial I prefer to name them "Dorks targeted" so, you ask the question, how does that target dorks looks like? I answer you by this: if I want to have the profile of DonXirus on from google, what is the ideal combination to have all his posts on this forum ! so you understand what I'm talking about here TUTO [align=center] [hide] The " Dorks targeted " combination The " Dorks targeted " combination is this: function:"request" + "user" = "Keyword" when request is ""deserved situation or option is "user" & our deserved target is "keyword" So our Dork will be like this function:"request" + "user" = "Keyword" inurl:"" + "user" = "DonXirus" or function:"request" + "profile" = "Keyword" Link:"" + "profile" = "DonXirus" or function:"request" + "post" = "Keyword" title:"" + "post" = "DonXirus" or function:"request" + "tags" = "Keyword" title:"" + "tags" = "DonXirus" lets try our dork : --> inurl:"" + "user" = "DonXirus" on google & see what we will get as result ! as you can see i got all my profile when our target is "DonXirus" deserved situation "user" from "" using inurl: function. [align=left]lets take another exemple now from ebay dork. function:"request" + "products" = "Keyword" function:inurl: when request is "ebay" deserved situation or option is "products" & our deserved target is "Levi's" our dork is inurl:"ebay" + "products"= "Levi's" so lets test it on google [/align] [align=left]as you can see a good result for the target i'm looking for with no doubt but now the question is what if i switch the order like this: function:"Keyword" + "products" = "request" what will happen !? inurl:"Levi's" + "products"= "ebay" ok lets test it on google & see the result [/align] [align=left]no result because we can't search "ebay" "products " on "Levi's" = BAD COMBINATION so how can i improve this combination & try to get combos that has connexion with what im looking for exactly !? the big question lets take steam as exemple. 1 --> go to steam registred members : https://steamcommuni...s/steam/members 2--> go to your deserved page from here -->359 pages /18278 username 3--> right click on the page & go to source code then make a list of your usernames like this screen bellow 4--> use what you got from this TUTO & make your "Dorks targeted" 5--> use them on sqli or your prefered scanner 6--> say thanks to me when you see that your combos has relation with what you are looking for[/align] [/hide] [align=left] HOP YOU ENJOY THIS [/align] [/align] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GettingRevenge 36 is that really you buddy? hope you are not another imposter :kek: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DonXirus 7 is that really you buddy? hope you are not another imposter :kek: what you mean ? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jordan277x 0 Thanks for the turorial; let's see :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
atheic 0 Thank you for this tutorial, I needed dorks for my cracking plans. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
outfol_ig 7 Welcome everyone, today we will be discussing; |Dorks targeted|. First, As you already know, dorks are the key to good cracking with SQLi, v3n0m & other scanners our tutorial today will answer a mysterious question asked by several crackers, why I used steam dorks, but my combos is not for the steam or at least for gaming ? the answer is this, you did not use the best order for your dorks, or in another way, you did not use the right combination. Our dorks for this tutorial I prefer to name them "Dorks targeted" so, you ask the question, how does that target dorks looks like? I answer you by this: if I want to have the profile of DonXirus on from google, what is the ideal combination to have all his posts on this forum ! so you understand what I'm talking about here TUTO [align=center] [align=left] HOP YOU ENJOY THIS [/align] [/align] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alakadutz 0 Welcome everyone, today we will be discussing; |Dorks targeted|. First, As you already know, dorks are the key to good cracking with SQLi, v3n0m & other scanners our tutorial today will answer a mysterious question asked by several crackers, why I used steam dorks, but my combos is not for the steam or at least for gaming ? the answer is this, you did not use the best order for your dorks, or in another way, you did not use the right combination. Our dorks for this tutorial I prefer to name them "Dorks targeted" so, you ask the question, how does that target dorks looks like? I answer you by this: if I want to have the profile of DonXirus on from google, what is the ideal combination to have all his posts on this forum ! so you understand what I'm talking about here TUTO [align=center] [align=left] HOP YOU ENJOY THIS [/align] [/align] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xXDark-HackerXx 0 Welcome everyone, today we will be discussing; |Dorks targeted|. First, As you already know, dorks are the key to good cracking with SQLi, v3n0m & other scanners our tutorial today will answer a mysterious question asked by several crackers, why I used steam dorks, but my combos is not for the steam or at least for gaming ? the answer is this, you did not use the best order for your dorks, or in another way, you did not use the right combination. Our dorks for this tutorial I prefer to name them "Dorks targeted" so, you ask the question, how does that target dorks looks like? I answer you by this: if I want to have the profile of DonXirus on from google, what is the ideal combination to have all his posts on this forum ! so you understand what I'm talking about here TUTO [align=center] [align=left] HOP YOU ENJOY THIS [/align] [/align] You are great help to me.. i just started cracking about 1 month ago and know i think im getting good at it. Thanks to you :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Outlast_16 0 gracias........................................... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassen 3 I'm pretty lost in cracking im super new and I want to get HQ combos so I can have good fortnite account Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites