SaltyHampstr 0 I saw this post on nulled and I remember you. you are a god at making dorks. keep up the good work Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
David1608 2 I really want to learn more about this! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SzymekToJa2 1 nice job, thanks for the tutorial Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Horrify 4 TY, jk, can u contact me on discord, My discord is Horrify#1486 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shikamaruxll 3 It will be very usefull, thank you very much Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
youbtube 6 Welcome everyone, today we will be discussing; |Dorks|Sqli Dumper|. First, As you already know, dorks are the key to good cracking with SQLi, you see these people in All Forums, and they always are getting hundreds of HQ Accounts How!!? and why you can't do that too !?. Well now you can join them, you too can be a successful cracker. some guys talk about using paid programs to get HQ Dorks, but if you are just a normal guy, who want to make a HQ dorks without spending money, then this is for you. Second, If You are using a Dorks Generator I will tell you You are Just losing your time. Why!? I tell you! when 10 people Genered the same list of dorks Do not call this private dorks because all of you, you will get the same Adds and the same Combos So don't call that Private !!? Ok Let's Stop Talking And Begin ^^ I will showing you how to get the most HQ Dorks, Geting HQ Combos, all for free, using smart methods. So let us Begin but before I need You To Know That I brought you the best composants Of Dorks [|PageFormat| pageType|], and i need you to know That the keywords are indispensable for Geting HQ Dorks. The question is why!!? because the [|PageFormat & pageType|] are the most Important in Dorks. Enjoy The Cracking World Im gonna use this, thankyou brother :smart: :fine: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Diocaneporco 0 Looks legit clean ewwfeffwfewfewff Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jwalker18222 1 thanks for sharing, looks awesome, trying now Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bambooin 0 Welcome everyone, today we will be discussing; |Dorks|Sqli Dumper|. First, As you already know, dorks are the key to good cracking with SQLi, you see these people in All Forums, and they always are getting hundreds of HQ Accounts How!!? and why you can't do that too !?. Well now you can join them, you too can be a successful cracker. some guys talk about using paid programs to get HQ Dorks, but if you are just a normal guy, who want to make a HQ dorks without spending money, then this is for you. Second, If You are using a Dorks Generator I will tell you You are Just losing your time. Why!? I tell you! when 10 people Genered the same list of dorks Do not call this private dorks because all of you, you will get the same Adds and the same Combos So don't call that Private !!? Ok Let's Stop Talking And Begin ^^ I will showing you how to get the most HQ Dorks, Geting HQ Combos, all for free, using smart methods. So let us Begin but before I need You To Know That I brought you the best composants Of Dorks [|PageFormat| pageType|], and i need you to know That the keywords are indispensable for Geting HQ Dorks. The question is why!!? because the [|PageFormat & pageType|] are the most Important in Dorks. Enjoy The Cracking World This is very very interesting Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PandaaZ 3 Im gonna use this, thankyou brother Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
disconect 2 very inspirational bro, very. :kek: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites