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Network enumeration,Vulnerability analysis & Exploitation,SEO-optimization

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Hacking Services;

Network enumeration: Discovering information about the intended target.

Vulnerability analysis: Identifying potential ways of attack.

Exploitation: Attempting to compromise the system by employing the vulnerabilities found through the vulnerability analysis


Hacking and security

Carding (stealing credit cards and trying to cash them out on the internet)

Botnet (a network of bots used to steal data and send spam, or perform DDOS attacks)

Electronics and phreaking (phreaking is trying to break someone’s security network)

Brutus (software used to crack passwords)

DDOS (overwhelming a server with requests to shut it down)



Web development

Malware and exploits

Private software

Clothing market (people who use stolen credit cards to buy clothes and resell them)

Financial operations

Documentation (passports, driving licenses, citizenships)

Blacklist (a community judicial system).


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Skype ID: secureworks0093

Discord ID: secureworks0093#4356

Official ICQ: 719126463


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