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Tutorial How to crack someone's WIFI with wifite

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[align=center]So there are many ways you can do this and some better ways, but this is a simple way to do it using a dictionary attack and requires very little skill as wifite is easy to set up



Mostly use this if you think you know some of their passwords or can make a good guess, there are some good wordlist creators out there to make it easier. There are also lists of default modem passwords you can get. 






1) Download and install wifite - type 'sudo apt install wifite' in terminal.




3) Type 'wifite -mac -aircrack -dict your-word-list-here' in terminal.


-mac anomymises your mac address so you cant be tracked


-aircrack uses aircrack for the attack (its the best one to use)


-dict tells wifite to use a dictionary attack


-put the location of your wordlist after -dict. Make your own as a txt file with one password per line.




4) You then need to select your network interface using the number key assigned to the network interface you want to use - it might be 0 or 1 or another one if you have a usb wifi adapter plugged in. 




5) Now wait and it will give you a list of all wifi networks your computer can see. Once you find the one you want press ctrl+c




6) Select the wifi network you want to attack with the number key.




7) Wait! It can take a while, but if you have a good word list it won't take too long. 




8) If you are successful it will give you the wifi password!!



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thanks friend I always give you I like your posts are at% 100

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Alright but i don't think my wireless card has monitor mode so i hope this doesn't need the handshake



Liked :kappa:


Edit:Already tried this method and you might need a good graphics card to speed things up

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Cool Tool, Lets find our what t can do. Thansk

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this is what i needed tyyyy

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JejeijCHJB :fiesta: :fiesta: 3

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Interesting thing

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didnt know that the swat team had a rlly nice profile pic xD

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