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A suggestion for (Members Referred: xxxxx)

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Why not make something like this:


A user posts a thread, a non-user views it, and sees "register now" or idk. And then the non-user clicks it but it dosent count as a member refed.


What im trying to say is: instead of normal register.php links it should be automatically replaced with the USER's ref link.

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ehh not good idea as the "refferal" system needs u to reffer someone.. which u will have to do.. as for the thread . you havent reffered the user.. the user just saw ur thread

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ehh not good idea as the "refferal" system needs u to reffer someone.. which u will have to do.. as for that.. you havent reffered the user.. the user just saw ur thread


Technical's ITS us who refereed them, florin job = seo | our job = content

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ehh not good idea as the "refferal" system needs u to reffer someone.. which u will have to do.. as for that.. you havent reffered the user.. the user just saw ur thread


Technical's ITS us who refereed them, florin job = seo | our job = content


did u rlly refer them thoo.. ? cuz u didnt do anything.. as to advertising your Link

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