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30 line $cript to delete Discord messages

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This requires Python 3.7. 3.6 should work too, but I'd recommend using 3.7. Make sure that pip is installed, then "pip install discord" and "pip install asyncio".  Some systems use "pip3.7" or "pip3" instead, substitute as needed, and if all else fails use "python3 -m pip" or "python3.7 -m pip".


You need to get your Discord token, I'm sure you all know how to get it. Once you have your token, edit the file in any text editor you want, and copy your token over "token here", making sure the quotation marks are still enclosing it.


If you change "deleteOwnOnly" to False, the program will delete all messages that it can, regardless of author.




Content Unlocked:



Here's the file download, the source code is viewable:



If this helped you out, a +rep is appreciated but not required.


Have a wonderful day/night! =)  :hype:

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I was reading this post and then my neighbour came and we read it together. He said this post really changed his life and it touched his heart. My village people are so grateful. Am proud to say cool post wow thanks for posting

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