r37z 45 Most asked questions : 1. How can I run this tool, what device should I have ? 2. Do I need to have a Facebook account ? 3. How does this tool work ? 4. Do I need to have Facebook friends ? Answers : 1. First of all you need to have an Android Device or Linux Machine to run it properly It also works on Windows but you gotta do some stuff manually 2. Yes you need to have a Facebook account 3. It uses Facebook open graph to collect your friends data and use Against them to crack their passwords 4. If you want to crack your friends accounts then yes, but if you dont have any friends on your facebook or you are not joined on any facebook group its okay just go and join to random facebook groups with a lot of members and you good to go Screenshot preview : 1. login screen 2. cracking method 3. cracked results [ OK ] results means that the password is correct and you can login to those accounts and [ CP ] means checkpoint The price of this tool is 100$ BTC only, no vouch copies. Purchase link : https://crackademy.xyz/product/%e2%99%95-facebook-account-cracker-legit-100-%e2%99%95/ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites