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[$125 BTC - Reseller Rights] Create your first C# Cracker

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Selling the rights to my eBook, on the condition that you do not post it for free. I plan to write another and no longer want to sell and teach this one, you are gaining all the rights which means you are free to edit it and claim you created it if it's what you wish. I was only going to sell maximum 15 copies but decided on 20. All the information about the guide is in the thread, including prices.



Copies Sold: 18

Price: $125 BTC / other high profile cryptos


Discord: Royals#0552




A total of 18 copies were sold, lets say everyone bought the base package for $25 that's $450 in around 10 days.

Luckily more people bought the second package so my profits were $600-800.


I declined several people from buying because of their low reputation to avoid leaking, there is still much profit to be made. I just

no longer want to offer support on this.




Guide Layout



Setting up

Writing utilities (adding files, creating variables)

Proxy Manager

Get request (for CSRF token)

Post Request (Login)





You will utilise HTTPWebRequests, tasks & almost all proper coding standards are followed

with the use of correct syntax such as permissions and accessibility.



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