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Collecting my thoughts after a recent breakup

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So I was in a relationship with this girl, who's 26, while I'm 21. She works as a personal instructor. She was loving and caring and we knew each other for longer than a year and I fell in love with her. However, after spending time with her, I noticed, she doesn't love herself. What I mean by that, is that she was engaging in self destructive activities, to cover up her sadness. A lot of people smoke, some of them drink and even do drugs (I used to do all of the mentioned), but I couldn't look at her downfall, my heart was legit breaking after one party we've attended together, so I left. Probably shouldn't have given up that easily, but it is what it is. Life goes on so I should let go, because her and I, it's a thing of the past. 


On a side note, today a girl who's a total beast and our craziness matches, out of blue invited me to go on a summer trip with her  :') So there's my medicine.

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Dear God, did you try to change her mind? Even though it is not your duty to save her from herself, if you were in love with her I assume you did your best to try and persuade her to stop hurting herself and you indirectly.

You said she was doing those things because of her sadness: did you know why she was sad, and if so, did you try to help her?

I know you may not want to be responsible for someone else other than yourself, but maybe she could have changed with your help...

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