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How to get Amazon prime for free

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The method : We will simply link a fake bank card that will be created later on our account amazon, and when amazon will take money on it, and we have 0 €, it will not charge anything, but the order will be passed. The credit card : So there are several ways, but we will use only two, -First we have the application "boon" which allows to create a card just with a number, no need for CNI (ID card) or other. For the phone number, [/url] or    enough, but you can also put your phone number they will not trace you lol. -Second, we have],[/b] that I use, much better, on the other hand, they send you a physical card unlike boon, and ask for a CNI (that you can rob, ect ...) At the end, connect your card to your account and ask amazon premium with 30 days free, after 30 days they will tell you "insufficient funds" but your subscription will not be removed, you can still order with amazon premium. here is the message:

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