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DeepSound - The Ultimate PHP Music Sharing Platform v1.1

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Version 1.1

  • [Added] option for admin to disable sell option, artist won’t be able to sell.
  • [Added] more payment methods, bank and stripe.
  • [Added] earnings page in admin panel, to view site’s latest sales and earnings, pro sales + song / albums sales.
  • [Added] purchases count in song page.
  • [Added] dislike system, user can now like or dislike a song.
  • [Added] search to manage playlists in admin panel.
  • [Added] search to manage albums in admin panel.
  • [Added] more currencies.
  • [Added] push notifications.
  • [Fixed] 5+ reported bugs.

DeepSound is a music sharing script, DeepSound is the best way to start your own music website! DeepSound is fast, rich, secured, and it will be regularly updated.


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Does anyone have a retail version? :fiesta:

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