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This is an application in development but reliable, that's why it is used by big YouTube users like Pewdiepie and German Garmendia. The rewards are not active in many countries, but at some point they will be, so it's better to start now when everyone can help you start later and no one can help you



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You will now gain 1 Nim (in app currency) for every minute that passes.


Earn more


1, You will have to a human to do this. Which means you will have to get 10 verifications that you're a human. You can go on your map by clicking on "people" then just look for people that have a different border like a green-blue one or a yellow one, click on their profile then click on Chat and ask the person to get you verified.


2, After you're a human the big game begins: You can ask these bordered people to do Nomination for nomination in their chat.You just click on nominate to nominate someone.


3, I'd recommend going to pewdiepie or germangarmendia profile (People -> search on top left -> Search -> pewdiepie -> click on his profile) then clicking on the bar that shows his "nominations". You can now click on people's profile there, all of them are human+, so just nominate them and ask them to nominate you back too. You can sometimes clear your subscriptions so you will only have nominations on your profile which earns you Nims but then you won't give out any for your subscriptions.


4, If you have a lot of fans, or even just a few, you can go and create some posts, I recommend posting memes and the people that will like it, can tip you with Nims. Each person can tip 10 Nims per post.


5, If you are rich you can go and buy Dominims by going to wallet them clicking on get more under the dominim part. You can also exchange your nims for them. You can buy temples from dominims by going to city -> then clicking on the rating of the temple. You can buy temples there and earn a daily income which does worth it.


6, The more nims you have the more people will see your posts. So keep on grinding, and by just being completely offline you will earn Nims too! [/hide][/align]

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Thanks for sharing

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A phone you say?

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Give me this method!! Thanks

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