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  1. Working my way through the Marvel stuff just now, but my goto series when I'm bored is sons of anarchy
  2. AnobizII

    3x Hulu

    Working as of today :D Enjoy...
  3. I love netflix, never really used prime video although i do have it i just use it more for the deliveries
  4. wow this is an awesome pack :D cheers dude
  5. AnobizII

    New Guy

    Hey All, Just thought I'd give a short intro. I've been an active member on another forum and interested in getting into cracking. I've spent some time learning some of the software used etc, even managed to get a few accounts out of it lol. I'm not looking to do it to make a tonne of cash just a bit of a hobby lol. I live in the UK and always open to any hints/tips you guys have :D
  6. I would also like to know this lol : D
  7. LUA is really simple, that and PASCAL