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Posts posted by achraf232323

  1. There is no such thing as v9.8 only v9.7 but nice try.



    02/16/2018 - v.9.7

    * Added Auto disable scanner blacklist IP

    * Fixed Scanner URL parser

    * Improved Exploiter, better detection rate

    * Misc: improvements, fixes and optimizations


    09/15/2017 - v.9.6

    * Added Grids Filters by date

    * Fixed Dumper data parser (for some MySQL Error injections)

    * Misc: improvements, fixes and optimizations


    09/01/2017 - v.9.5

    * Fix MySQL Load\Write File for MySQL v.4.x (Data Dumper)

    * Fix Stop Work 'Search Column\Table' MSG Box Error

    * Improved Search column sort

    * Improved Search Grids freezing

    * Improved ContextMenu poor visibility

    * Add Grids Key Control

     CTRL + A to select All

     Delete key to delete selected items

     Enter key to go to dumper


    08/26/2017 - v.9.4

    * Added Germany, Portuguese and Persian Language

    * Added Import menu (queue)

    * Added Re-Exploiter menu

    * Improved Exploiter, better detection rate

    * Improved Data Dump, problem with '?~!' in MySQL Error Basead

    * Improved Scanner, IP/Proxy control with blacklisted

    * Improved Search Column\Tables

    * Improved Dumper Auto-Setup (detecting HTTP Flow Redirects)


    08/12/2017 - v.9.3

    * Added XXS support

    * Added Import URL Injectables.xml from v.8.x

    * Added extra 3 column (search rows)

    * Added Exploit from .txt (press Start Exploiter with queue empty)

    * Added Statistics Virtualization

    * Improved exploiter engine

    * Improved analyzer engine

     ~40% better detection

     fixed unique filter by domain

     fixed loadfile bug dection

    * Improved Dumper for long time dumping (no more slow, only if request delays)

    * Improved RAM\CPU and Traffic use

    * Improved multi thread engine stop

    * Improved HTTP Debbuger, better delay control

    * Improved GUI Core Load\UnLoad performance

    * Improved Skins (added news, removed some)

    * Fixed grids auto scroll

    * Fixed open new instancie bug on schema


    04/04/2017 - v.9.2

    * New: Admin Login Finder

    * New: Full translation support

    * New: Complete XML Russian language

    * Updated: Dumper Form, fixe crash when dump in some cases

    * Fixed: MySQL Error Collocations

    * Misc: improvements, fixes and optimizations


    03/17/2017 - v.9.1

    * Improved: SQL Injection Exploiter

    * New: MySQL Load\Write (bruting path and checking on user_privileges table)

    * New: Check Alexa Rank, context menu on Grid (SQLi, File Inclusao)

    * Updated: Dumper Form, improvements, fixes and optimizations

    * Fixed: Bug on statistic cause crashe after x.x Gb

    * Misc: improvements, fixes and optimizations on Main Core


    03/01/2017 - v.9.0

    * Initial release


    :pogchamp: :ezy: :fine: :smart: :feelsgood: