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Everything posted by Ligmadik

  1. no need for id verification, already got shipments from them. phones SE from Amazon, no way to get blacklisted IMEI its so ez lol refund and reship things :smart:
  2. Hello, im Selling a reship account ( Stackry ) with 2 SE'd items : Iphone X : S9 :π=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=samsung+s9&dpPl=1&dpID=31HHKnAvk8L&ref=plSrch Bid start with 600$
  3. how i solve this please?
  4. Mailaccess required! [align=center]Discord : Ligmadik#9728 [/align]
  5. the only thing i know is to smoke week and being drunk ofc
  6. none can hack a facebook account bro , belive me
  7. Ligmadik

    No Nut November

    ofcourse i didn't hahahhaa
  8. i think it's not that bad, it makes u feel so good when u go high
  9. Buy a fucking car Buy a fucking car, lul
  10. Ligmadik

    PUBG or Fortnite ?

    Pubg ofcourse, fortnite for kids
  11. peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewdipie <3