I don't care in respect of being unbanned yes, but I should be unbanned out of principle.
Nowhere on the rules does it say you are unable to link to a site, - and one can assume this means your comments also, why you feel like posing a link that will no longer be visible on your profile the next day is such a big deal is a completely different issue.
The second time I posted was what, on the feedback thread? why can't I give my feedback that a site that offers a paste service I feel is better than the one you own / promote - that's honest feedback which would help you make the switch or improve your current service whether you feel the name of the site hurts you in anyway because it has Finns name in it should truly be irrelevant.
So in answer to your point, yes you are the bad guy in this situation, as you have assumed what I was doing was malicious in some kind of way, and was "looking for a ban" is completely incorrect.
Now if I was posting this on irrelevant threads, multiple times etc. etc.. sure, warn me maybe? even ban possibly but I wasn't doing that. I posted in once in a Feedback Thread and Once on your Profile.