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Posts posted by Wine

  1. From my point of view , The quality of proxies you use are included in the hits you get , so it's maybe not his ' fault ' ?

    Make sure to use High quality & premium proxies , before judging .In fact,  I would be in your side , if you are using premium proxies .


    i mean thats a fair point but the checker i was using retries until theres a working proxy to try the account (non-public checker) and the proxies i were using were storm backconnect rotating proxies and proxygeek paid package, not rsocks but theyre certainly not bad enough to impact hit rate. as i told you i replaced tho


    as i have said, i acknowledge your replacement, but this replacement was infact worse then the first one and I didnt receive what you guaranteed (hits).


    Im sure if you went on nulled scrolled down to a semi raped crypto combo you would still get more hits.

  2. I am not refunding you said


    And i issued you a replacement and grauanteed you hits not proft this time and you said idm about a refund or a replacement and i did my thing not every combo can be the best combo also i do not pre check lol


    that comment (conversation screenshot) was for the first shitty combo you gave me, after the first one was trash i wanted either a refund or replacement, now that the secondary combo was even worse I want a refund. I payed $30 for a service in which you guaranteed profit for the first combo and hits for the second combo. I also agree that you guaranteed hits for the SECOND combo, but you did not live up to this guarantee as the combo was really bad. I also agree that no combo is perfect, but youre providing a service for "good quality" or "hq" combos and neither of those combos were that. Refund please


    Also for example/reference, if you were to purchase a gift card or account and the shop you purchased it from guarantees that it works, and it doesnt, TWICE, do you still not replace it? Not my fault you arent living up to your guarantees

      :fuck: :??:

  3. Scammers Profile Link:

    [if Applicable] Sales Thread: Discord dms

    Amount or Item(s) Scammed: 30$ BTC

    Screenshots of Communication: - user guaranteeing hits for replacement and also reprimanding himself for guaranteeing me a profit. - user sending replacement - reaffirming that user promised hits


    Additional Information: Purchased a combo and user guarenteed a profit from the combo, recieved absolutely no profit (0$ outcome). User proceeded to give a replacement as he said he gives replacements, after this he said that with this combo he only guarentees hits, to which i agreed. I checked this combo and received around 200 hits (1% hit rate). With my own combos i would receive around 500-800 hits but high balance is rare, and XWF was claiming his combos would be good, hence me purchasing them.


    Another note: Hits are common as fuck on


    Just want to note that this user is HQ and is reputable, however he is refusing to refund. I do not want this user banned, just a refund.


  4. selling a american eagle blackbullet config. 





    *500CPM with 100 bots and average proxies


    *This screenshot was taken with a streaming combo so hits are pretty common

    *Very good money to be made here


    *ONE of the cheapest on the market (emphasis on ONE of so dont get pissy if yours is cheaper)


    *Logs free hits


    *Has a great capture (codes, when they expire and what the codes encompass)






    *Doesnt log bad hits (when youre checking the bad hits area will remain at 0)




    another screenshot for shits and gigs




    Price: 100$ (negotiable)


    Contact me on discord: Wine#9999


    Once youve contacted me I will whitelist you to the config and you will receive it



